Müllerová Eva, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Hromádka Miroslav, Ing. Ph.D.
Martínek Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Legislative system, legislation, technical standards, effects of electricity on the human organism. 2. Effect of human factor on work safety, professional competence in electrical engineering, uniform symbolism and labeling in electrical engineering. 3. Electrification systems, types of environment, external influences. 4. The concept of protection against electric shock, principles of protection measures, protection under normal conditions, fault protection, enhanced protection, additional protection. 5. General protective measures - automatic disconnection from the source, 6. General protective measures - double or reinforced insulation, low voltage (SELV, PELV), some other protective measures. 7. Coordination of protection measures, class of protection of electrical equipment.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Contact hours
- 13 hours per semester
- Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40)
- 13 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
to describe safety requirements in electrical engineering in relation to legislation and technical standards |
to explain the basic technical principles of protective measures |
to characterize restrictive conditions for the application of protective measures |
to evaluate the way of operating the electrical equipment (environment, type of network, type of equipment, electrotechnical qualification) |
Skills |
to interpret professional text |
to summarize essential information |
to put into context the academic text and the presented problematics |
to evaluate the importance of the information obtained for its field of study or for generall use |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
to characterize the impact of environmental conditions and surrounding electrical systems on the effectiveness of protective measures |
to describe the current state of the legislation in the field of electrical safety and formulate requirements for its security |
to explain the technical principle of the protective measures applied in connection with various variants of technical solutions |
to evaluate the chosen protective measures on the basis of knowledge of the principles of protective measures |
Skills |
to analyze the real situation in the operation of electrical equipment (premises, type of network, type of equipment, professional qualification) |
to formulate basic requirements for applied protective measures (protection principle) |
to evaluate the correctness of the choice of protection measures and their coordination (protection classes) |
Competences |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Lecture |
Skills |
Lecture |
Self-study of literature |
Competences |
Self-study of literature |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Test |
Skills |
Test |
Competences |
Test |
Recommended literature
Ken Oldham Smith. Electrical safety and the law : a guide to compliance. 1997. ISBN 0-632-04094-7.
Kříž, Michal. Příručka pro zkoušky elektrotechniků : požadavky na základní odbornou způsobilost. 10., aktualiz. vyd. Praha : IN-EL, 2014. ISBN 978-80-87942-01-7.