Course: Integrated rescue system

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Course title Integrated rescue system
Course code KAZ/IZS
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kordík Jan, Ing.
  • Gillernová Klára, Ing.
Course content
Lectures 1. Introduction, basic legislation of IRS, division of IRS 2. Organization and activity of EMS, legislation concerning the activity of EMS 3. Organization and activity of fire brigade and JPO, legislation related to fire brigade and JPO 4. Organization and activities of the Police of the Czech Republic, legislation concerning the activities of the Police of the Czech Republic 5. Other IRS components 6. IRS Documentation, IRS ISC Catalog 7. Levels of IRS components management 8. Readiness of the HCL at MU with HPO and MU solution with HPO 9. Activity of crisis staffs 10. Civil emergency planning Exercises 1. Organizational structure of IRS 2. Organization and activity of EMS, practical demonstration of ZOS and exit base 3. Organization and activity of fire brigade and JPO, practical demonstration of workplace 4. Organization and activities of the Police of the Czech Republic, practical demonstration of the workplace 5. Activities of other IRS units 6. Analysis of intervention of IRS units at MU with HPO 7. Activity of the medical unit at the MU site with HPO 8. Organizational structure and activity of crisis staffs 9. Crisis situations and crisis measures 10. Emergency and crisis planning

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Contact hours - 30 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 20 hours per semester
are not required
are not required
learning outcomes
defines an integrated rescue system
defines the terms extraordinary event, liquidation and decontamination work
characterizes the civil protection facility
describes the coordinated approach of individual IRS units in carrying out rescue and liquidation work
characterizes the system of education of staff of individual IRS units
acts according to the competence of a paramedic
teaching methods
Interactive lecture
Field trip
Interactive lecture
Field trip
assessment methods
Oral exam
Continuous assessment
Oral exam
Continuous assessment
Recommended literature
  • Katalog typových činnosti složek IZS. MV-GŘ HZS ČR.
  • Vyhláška č. 240/2012 Sb., kterou se provádí zákon o zdravotnické záchranné službě.
  • Vyhláška Ministerstva vnitra ČR č. 247/2001 Sb., o organizaci a činnosti jednotek požární ochrany.
  • Vyhláška MV č. 328/2001 Sb. o některých podrobnostech zabezpečení integrovaného záchranného systému.
  • Zákon č. 133/1985 Sb., o požární ochraně.
  • Zákon č. 239/2000 Sb. Zákon o integrovaném záchranném systému a o změně některých zákonů..
  • Zákon č. 273/2008 Sb., o Policii České republiky.
  • Zákon č. 320/2015 Sb., o Hasičském záchranném sboru České republiky.
  • Zákon č. 374/2011 Sb., o zdravotnické záchranné službě.
  • ŠENOVSKÝ, M., ADAMEC, V., HANUŠKA, Z. Integrovaný záchranný systém.. Ostrava: Sdružení požárního a bezpečnostního inženýrství, 2007. ISBN 978-807-3850-074.
  • ŠÍN, R. Medicína katastrof.. Praha : Galén, 2017. ISBN 978-807-4922-954.
  • Štětina, Jiří. Zdravotnictví a integrovaný zachranný systém při hromadných neštěstích a katastrofách. Praha : Grada, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4578-7.
  • Vilášek, Josef; Fiala, Miloš,; Vondrášek, David. Integrovaný záchranný systém ČR na počátku 21. století. Vyd. 1. Praha : Karolinum, 2014. ISBN 978-80-246-2477-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester