Course: Nursing in Emergency Care

» List of faculties » FZS » KAZ
Course title Nursing in Emergency Care
Course code KAZ/ONP1
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 0
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Pistulková Alena, PhDr.
Course content
Elaborated questions for the subject ?Nursing in Intensive Care? in a particular academic year.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Students' self-study
  • Contact hours - 0 hours per semester
Well done credits and exams of a particular study programme.
learning outcomes
Students acquaint basic manual skills and certainity of safe and quality gratification of professional procedures in pre-hospital and hospital intensive care. Students are able to analyse acquired information in pre-hospital and hospital intensive care. Students are able to proceed particular acts in intensive care.
teaching methods
Self-study of literature
assessment methods
Oral exam
Recommended literature
  • Kapounová, Gabriela. Ošetřovatelství v intenzivní péči. Praha : Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1830-9.
  • Pokorný, J. Urgentní medicína. ISBN 80-7262-259-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester