Course: Health information systems operating

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Course title Health information systems operating
Course code KAZ/OZIS
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Mainz Denis, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Health Information System (HIS) environment. Creating a new employee record, work schedule and office hours. 2. Electronic Health Record (EHR)/Patient Record creation for HIS records and EHR patient management. 3. Recording and managing appointments with the attending physician in the HIS. Recording, managing and creating patient requests for laboratory, radiology and other types of tests with EHR records in the HIS. 4. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) operating rules with the application of the HIS tools module for managing laboratory testing processes. Introduction of a new and management of an established laboratory test (with definition of units of measurement by test type). 5. Creation, recording and management of laboratory test/genetic test result records with recording of test results in the patient's EHR. 6. Creation, recording and management of records with patient health assessment following history taking/pre-operative assessment, disability assessment and other assessments in HIS with recording in the patient's EHR. 7. Issuance of a prescription by the attending physician with its recording in the patient's EHR in relation to the record of stored medications in the HIS and in relation to the issuance of an ePrescription. Creation, recording and management of records of patients admitted to hospital and ICU with application of scoring systems e.g. GCS, APACHE II and recording of ECG values in HIS with link to patient's EHR. 8. Contact tracing of infected persons/vaccination, configuration of immunization schedule in HIS. Creation, recording and management of patient status records in HIS from rounds and visits of attending physician and nursing staff. 9. Scheduling of services in HIS from the position of station and head nurse. Creating, recording and maintaining records of outpatients and emergency services provided in the HIS. 10. Creation, recording and management of event records from emergency calls to the operations centre and ambulance dispatching centre in the (ERP) HIS. Creation, registration and management of ambulance records in HIS and records of ambulance dispatches and field movements with registration in (ERP) HIS. 11. Recording and management of medications in the HIS in relation to the medication records in the patient's EHR. Creation of material requisition from stock of HH for laboratory with linkage to LIMS and other HH departments in (ERP) HIS. Creation of purchase order for materials and equipment for the ZZ department in HIS in relation to SP and practicality in the field. 12. Procedures for sharing patient information between HHs, with insurers, etc. according to current NCEZ MH CR standards and related legislation. Creation, registration and management of records of reimbursement requests and documents of payments in (ERP) HIS for the performance of medical procedures, services and provision of medicines to the HH, for the purchase of laboratory and other materials and equipment of the HH. Creation, recording and management of records in the HIS (ERP) for inventory of inventories of HC and laboratory supplies and equipment in relation to LIMS. 13. Recording, registration and management of reports and summary reports in (ERP) HIS and preparation of reports for printing of partial and summary reports and reports. Acquisition, processing and visualization of data in the HIS to support electronic management and administration of the Health Management Information System (HMIS) in the context of the activities of the head and station nurses. 14. Creation of a new PI record in the (ERP) HIS in the context of the health profession with reference to the learner's programme of study. Procedures in the (ERP) HIS administration for creating a request for the administrator to manage users and groups according to the job positions of the HCP. 15. Demonstration of the ability to operate the (ERP) HIS to award credit.

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Contact hours - 30 hours per semester
  • unspecified - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 10 hours per semester
are not required
are not required
learning outcomes
defines patient identifiers and other patient attributes for the implementation and management of the electronic health record (EHR) and electronic patient record
characterizes the activities within the operation of HIS modules, as well as the management and recording of laboratory information (LIMS), retrieval of image data from the DICOM server repository and the application of tools for the provision and management of laboratory testing processes
describes the process of creating, recording and managing orders for materials and instrumentation for laboratories and other departments and divisions of the healthcare facility in (ERP) HIS
describes the process of creating, recording and managing claims for payment of ordered medical services and issuing documents for payments for the provision of medical services in (ERP) HIS
defines procedures in registration and records management in (ERP) HIS for inventory of laboratory materials, equipment, pharmaceuticals with a link to inventory of stock of medical devices
explains the rules of security and protection of patient data
explains the principles of exporting laboratory data from LIMS HIS for processing in a spreadsheet for biostatistical analysis
creates an electronic patient health record (EHR) and an electronic request for laboratory tests in (ERP) HIS
introduces a new and maintains an established laboratory test in LIMS HIS with definition of units of measure and other attributes according to the type of test
creates a record of the laboratory test result in the HIS for the attending physician and records the result in the LIMS and EHR of the HIS
places an order for materials and laboratory equipment in HIS
issues a request for payment for the ordered medical services and issue a document for payment for the performed medical services with registration of requests and related documents in (ERP) HIS
exports aggregate patient data from the EHR from laboratory data from LIMS and other tests, as well as aggregate data on activities recorded in (ERP) HIS
teaching methods
assessment methods
Recommended literature
  • NÁRODNÍ CENTRUM ELEKTRONICKÉHO ZDRAVOTNICTVÍ, 2024. Katalog standardů | Národní centrum elektronického zdravotnictví..
  • Zákon č. 325/2021 Sb., o elektronizaci zdravotnictví. In: Sbírka zákonů. 2021..
  • PATON, Chris, Jorn BRAA, Andrew MUHIRE, Luis MARCO-RUIZ, Shinji KOBAYASHI, Hamish FRASER, Luis FALCÓN a Alvin MARCELO. Open Source Digital Health Software for Resilient, Accessible and Equitable Healthcare Systems: Contribution from the IMIA Open Source Working Group. Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 31(01), 067?073. ISSN 0943-4747, 2364-0502.. 2022.
  • STŘEDA, Leoš a Karel HÁNA. EHealth a telemedicína: učebnice pro vysoké školy. Praha: Grada, 2016. ISBN 978-80-247-5764-3.
  • SYZDYKOVA, Assel, André MALTA, Maria ZOLFO, Ermias DIRO a José Luis OLIVEIRA. Open-Source Electronic Health Record Systems for Low-Resource Settings: Systematic Review. JMIR Medical Informatics. 5(4), e44. ISSN 2291-9694..
  • WAGER, Karen A., Frances Wickham LEE a John P. GLASER. Health care information systems: a practical approach for health care management. Fifth edition.. Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass, 2022. ISBN 978-1-119-85387-9.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester