Course: Toxicology

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Course title Toxicology
Course code KAZ/TOXI
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Pikner Richard, MUDr. Ph.D.
  • Viták Roman, Mgr. et Bc.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Toxicology. Introduction, history, sub-disciplines (clinical, industrial, experimental, etc..). Resources and applications of toxicology. 2. Poisons. Definition, classification, labeling, dose-effect, toxicokinetics (entry, metabolism, excretion). 3. Types of materials. Sampling dates, treatment before analysis (isolation, extraction, separation, mineralization etc.). 4. Toxicological examination. The reasons, known - unknown exposure, screening, biological exposure tests - BET, the choice of the investigated substance according to the time of exposure, interpretation (maximum permissible limit, NPK). 5. Analytical techniques. Principles of quantitative methods (spectrophotometry, chromatography, immunochemical methods etc.). 6. Poisoning by agents blocking the oxygen transfer. 7. Poisoning by alcohols (ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol). 8. Poisoning by heavy metals, solvents, "-icides" (herbicides, pesticides, fungicides), rarer types of poisoning. 9. Poisoning by substances from the life and domestic environment (plants, animals, chemist goods, medicinal products). 10. Drug levels monitoring (TDM), the pharmacokinetic evaluation. 11. Drugs and abused substances. Classification of groups and effects, screening, conventional drugs - new drugs. Laboratory practicals: 1. Principles on the safety in the toxicological laboratory, instruments and equipment. 2. - 3. The biological material - types, quantity, method of preservation, processing time, documentation. 4. - 5. Adjustments of samples, deproteinization, extraction, hydrolysis, isolation mineralization. 6. Analytical methods in toxicology - immunochemical. 7. Analytical Methods in toxicology - chromatographic (TLC, GC, HPLC). 8. Analytical methods in toxicology - spectrophotometric (AAS, UV-VIS, IR). 9. Organization of work in a toxicological laboratory, toxicological analysis in the mode POCT, excursion to the lab. 10. Issues of the forensic toxicology (collection and preservation of material, accredited methods, apparatus equipment of the laboratory). 11. Written credit exam.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Laboratory work
  • Contact hours - 33 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 45 hours per semester
  • Preparation for formative assessments (2-20) - 2 hours per semester
No particular prerequisites specified.
No particular prerequisites specified.
learning outcomes
The graduate will be able to carry out examinations of toxic substances in biological samples using selected analytical techniques.
- definuje toxickou látku a klasifikuje otravy podle působící noxy a příznaků - vyjmenuje druhy toxikologických vyšetření - interpretuje toxikologická vyšetření, zná nejvyšší přípustné limity. - prokazuje širokou znalost o technikách odběru vzorku a úpravách před analýzou (izolace, extrakce, separace, mineralizace aj.).
- realizuje vyšetření toxické látky v biologickém materiálu pomocí vybraných analytických technik (imunochemických, chromatografických, spektrofotometrických).
teaching methods
assessment methods
Oral exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Balíková, M. Forenzní a klinická toxikologie. Galén, Praha 2004.
  • Katzung, B., G. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Lange medical books. McGrawn-Hill, 2007.
  • Lincová, D., Farghali, H. Základní a aplikovaná farmakologie. Galén, Praha 2006.
  • Racek, J. a kol. Klinická biochemie. Galén, Praha, Karolinum, 2006.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester