Course: Exercise of orthotics and prosthetics 2

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Course title Exercise of orthotics and prosthetics 2
Course code KFE/COP2
Organizational form of instruction Practice
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Firýtová Rita, Mgr.
  • Černý Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.
  • Princ Vladan, Bc.
Course content
1st Scanning documents specific orthoses (negatives, traces, rates). 2nd cervicocranial brace and collars. Trunk brace (rigid and dynamic). 3rd Trunk brace-type soft bandages (kosticové, elastic body. Ort., Backpacks, etc.). 4th Trunk brace for sitting (seats in wheelchairs and others). 5th Lap belts, trusses, and colostomy-deo belts, urinals and suspensoria. 6th Orthoses for hip joint. Orthoses for knee joint. 7th Orthoses for ankle joint and foot. Orthoses according Sarmiento adult. 8th Apparatus DK. Ortoprothesis. 9th Special and working brace. 10th Silicone masks, covers and sleeves to prevent scars, silicone brace to release contractures. 11th Orthotic inserts, corrective shoes. Complex defects in the legs and their treatment Calceotics 12th Acquisition data for specific prostheses HK and DK. 13th Acquisition specific data for inserts and orthopedic shoes. 14th Printed traces, paper patterns, surface prints, plastic preforms and their use. 15th The whole casts-technique: negative - positive - model. Static and dynamic casts. 16th Training (technology and client) to scan a plaster impression. Location of the property and the general principles of elaboration negative (correction, modeling) and its removing 17th Specific, fusing and forming aids sometimes use for model creation. 18th Spatial setting up the client and the model-base orientation, coordinate systems. Aids and equipment for the space and the establishment of a client model. 19th Basic rules for vertical construction of prostheses DKK. Basic rules construction of prostheses HKK. 20th Test is negative and its spatial orientation. 21st Static and dynamic tests - importance, effects, pros and cons. 22nd Prosthetic components and their spatial alignment. 23rd Implementation of static and dynamic tests and testing aids and client during construction

Learning activities and teaching methods
Clinical practice under supervision
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 78 hours per semester
popsat jednotlivé složky zdravotnické dokumentace
charakterizovat složky anamnézy
vyjmenovat zásady vyšetření aspekcí a palpací
vyšetřit pacienta
odebrat měrné podklady
vyhodnotit měrné podklady
learning outcomes
popsat jednotlivé složky zdravotnické dokumentace při výrobě měkkých bandáží a ortopedických vložek
vyšetřit pacienta
odebrat měrné podklady
vytvořit měkkou bandáž a ortopedickou vložku na míru
teaching methods
Clinical practice under supervision
Clinical practice under supervision
assessment methods
Skills demonstration during practicum
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • EIS, Emil. Ortopedie pro speciální pedagogy: Celost. vysokošk. učebnice pro stud. pedagog. fakult. Praha: SPN, 1986.
  • Firma OTTO BOCK. Technické informace.
  • FOPTO. Ortopedická protetika. Praha: FOPTO, 2005.
  • HUSIĆ, Ivan. Ortotika: doporučený učební text pro rekvalifikační kurzy. Federace ortopedických protetiků technických oborů, 2003.
  • KAPHINGST, W. et al. Protetika: základy protetiky dolních a horních končetin: pro učební obor technické ortopedie: [doporučený učební text pro rekvalifikační kurzy].. Praha: Federace ortopedických protetiků technických oborů, 2002.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Ortotika. Praha: FOPTO, 2004.
  • MAY,B.,J. Amputations and prosthetics. Philadelphia : Davis company.
  • Sosna, Antonín. Základy ortopedie. Vyd. 1. V Praze : Triton, 2001. ISBN 80-7254-202-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester