Course: Exercise of orthotics and prosthetics 5

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Course title Exercise of orthotics and prosthetics 5
Course code KFE/COP5N
Organizational form of instruction Practice
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Černý Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1st Correction of congenital and acquired defects in children, acting principle, remodeling of bone and soft tissue. Force action orthoses for children and their sizing with regard to their shape, material and components. 2nd Orthoses for head and cercicocranial orthoses (such as correction helmets etc..) 3rd Basic rules for korzetoterapii. Brace for correction in the frontal plane. Brace for correction in the sagittal plane. 4th UL brace for shoulder and elbow. Orthoses for UL forearm, hand and fingers. 5th Orthoses for hip joint. Brace for knee joint. Orthoses for ankle and foot. 6th According to Sarmiento brace for UL and LL. Derotation brace UL and LL. 7th Ortoprothesis. Recyprokators. Special braces (eg in connection with instrumentation - external fixators, etc.) 8th Differences in the taking of specific substrates in pediatric patients. Examination of the driving stereotypes through play 9th List of parts for building children orthoses and prostheses. Differences in gait training. 10th Modification with adjustable sizes. Assistive devices for children. 11th Sports activities utility. Swimming with aid. Hygiene in the use of orthopedic aids 12th Manufacture of custom parts out of range size. 13th Preparation of school places for different types of disabilities. Integration in interest organizations 14th Children DK Construction prosthesis after amputation 15th Children DK Construction prosthesis in congenital defect with atypical stump 16th Construction of children's prostheses UL

Learning activities and teaching methods
Clinical practice under supervision
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 168 hours per semester
to characterize the use of adjuvants for individual disabilities
to perform the maintenance and the repair of adjuvants
to create a upper extremities prosthesis or epithetesis on the basis of the examination and educate the client about its maintenance and use
learning outcomes
he/she characterizes the individual components of medical documentation in a pediatric patient
he/she defines all types of materials used in the construction of prostheses and orthoses for the pediatric patient
he/she explains the use of adjuvatics for individual disabilities in childhood
he/she is taking measured data
he/she selects a suitable tool
he/she makes an orthosis (prosthesis), applies it and educates the child client and his family members about maintenance and use
teaching methods
Clinical practice under supervision
Clinical practice under supervision
Clinical practice under supervision
assessment methods
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • EIS, Emil. Ortopedie pro speciální pedagogy: Celost. vysokošk. učebnice pro stud. pedagog. fakult. Praha: SPN, 1986.
  • Firma OTTO BOCK. Technické informace.
  • FOPTO. Ortopedická protetika. Praha: FOPTO, 2005.
  • HUSIĆ, Ivan. Ortotika: doporučený učební text pro rekvalifikační kurzy. [Praha]: Federace ortopedických protetiků technických oborů, 2003.
  • KAPHINGST, W. et al. Protetika: základy protetiky dolních a horních končetin: pro učební obor technické ortopedie: [doporučený učební text pro rekvalifikační kurzy].. Praha: Federace ortopedických protetiků technických oborů, 2002.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Ortotika. Praha: FOPTO, 2004.
  • MAY,B.,J. Amputations and prosthetics. Philadelphia : Davis company.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester