Course: Epitetics

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Course title Epitetics
Course code KFE/EPI
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Vyhnal Ondřej, Mgr.
Course content
Lectures 1. Definition and division of epithetics, the function of cosmetic replacement. Choosing the colour of a cosmetic restoration, colour chart for determining the correct size of an appliance 2. Mammary epithetics, incorporation into underwear, size range 3. Limb epithetics, choosing the correct shape and size 4. Wigs and hairpieces covering head defects, selection and application 5. Elastic masks for healing burns, pattern making and application 6. Elastic gloves for limbs, production of contours and patterns, application to the patient 7. Torso elastic sleeves for burn care, fabrication and application 8. Straightening of deformities on the trunk, straightening of scoliosis by incorporating pads into the garment. 9. The role of epithetics in resocialisation after trauma or traumatic injury 10. Orthotic appliance designs, cosmetic technology and prosthetic design. 11. Credit test. Practicals 1. Cosmetic restorations of the nose and ears, incorporation into glasses, dental resin technique 2. Facial epitheses made of silicone, anchoring of the epithesis into the bone skeleton. 3. Finger epitheses, formation of individual restorations, fixation with rings. 4. Cosmetic gloves, colour range, size range and methods of measurement 5. Processing of mammary epithesis 6. Extremity epithetics - incorporation into sleeves 7. Elastic masks - practical processing 8. Elastic gloves - practical processing 9. Torso elastic sleeves - practical processing 10. Torso deformity compensation - practical processing 11. Verification of practical skills

Learning activities and teaching methods
Skills demonstration, Lecture, Lecture with visual aids, Practicum
  • Contact hours - 22 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 10 hours per semester
vyjmenovat základní etiologii a patogenezi vad korigovatelných technickými pomůckami
popsat rozdělení a organizaci oboru
porovnat vhodnost materiálu vzhledem k postupu výroby
vybrat vhodný materiál ke stavbě ortotické či protetické pomůcky
learning outcomes
characterises cosmetic replacements
removes the measuring materials for the epithesis
selects the appropriate material for the epithesis
makes an epithesis or compression sleeve for a burn
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Skills demonstration
Lecture with visual aids
Skills demonstration
assessment methods
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Dostálová, Olga. Péče o psychiku onkologicky nemocných. 1. vydání. 2016. ISBN 978-80-247-5706-3.
  • ĎURIŠ, M. Epitéza nosu. Ortopedická protetika. Praha: FOPTO, 2008, (15), 4-5. ISSN 1212-6705. .
  • FOPTO. Ortopedická protetika. Praha: FOPTO, 2005.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Ortotika.. Praha: FOPTO, 2004.
  • Königová, Radana; Bláha, Josef. Komplexní léčba popáleninového traumatu. Vyd. 1. Praha : Karolinum, 2010. ISBN 978-80-246-1670-4.
  • STARČEVSKÁ, Lenka. Kraniofaciální epitézy - bakalářská práce. Praha: Univerzita Karlova Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, 2020.
  • SVITÁK, M., ĎURIŠ, M. Epitéza ucha. Ortopedická protetika. Praha: FOPTO, 2017, (20), 52-58. ISSN 1212-6705. .

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester