Course: Orthotics 1

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Course title Orthotics 1
Course code KFE/ORT1
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Černý Pavel, Ing.
  • Černý Pavel, Ing. Ph.D.
  • Princ Václav, Ing.
Course content
lectures: Definition of braces, braces division according to various criteria. Basic elements of orthoses. Muscle test and its importance for the application of orthopedic devices. Goniometry and its importance in orthotics, implementation, tools, principles. Forces and moments, composing and decomposing forces, force brace model. Stress of the material, design and combination of materials and components orthoses. Shaping of parts and finished products, their concentrations and finish. Fasteners in ortotice (in orthopedic prosthetics). 0rthoses banding - possibilities and guiding principles. Springs in ortotice (in orthopedic prosthetics). Levers, pelotas, rods, strokes and eye. Passive and active control orthoses, use of external forces and forces the patient ortotice. New trends in the field of orthotics. 1. Fundamentals of mechanics in orthotics 2. Technological procedure of plastering of upper and lower limbs of adult and pediatric patients 3. Creating a plaster positive 4. Basic principles of modeling in the production of orthoses 5. Processing of thermoplastic materials intended for the production of orthoses of the upper and lower limbs 6. Fittings in orthotics and their use 7. Basics of lamination technology in the production of orthoses 8. Principles of grinding and machining of thermoplastic and laminate orthoses 9. Fasteners, gluing and their use in orthotics 10. Use of bandages in the production of orthoses

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture with a video analysis, Skills demonstration, Lecture, Lecture with visual aids, Practicum
  • Contact hours - 44 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 20 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 10 hours per semester
vyjmenovat základní etiologii a patogenezi vad korigovatelných technickými pomůckami
popsat rozdělení a organizaci oboru
popsat postup tvorby měrného listu
vytvořit podklady pro technický výkres
porovnat vhodnost materiálu vzhledem k postupu výroby
vybrat vhodný materiál ke stavbě ortotické či protetické pomůcky
learning outcomes
vyjmenovat jednotlivé typy ortéz
popsat vlastnosti a stavbu ortéz
snímat měrné podklady
vyrobit měkké bandáže
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture with a video analysis
Skills demonstration
assessment methods
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Firma OTTO BOCK. Technické informace.
  • HADRABA, I. Ortotika poranění pažní pleteně - přehled možných řešení. Reh.fyz.lék.
  • HADRABA, I. Ortotika poranění pažní pleteně - přehled možných řešení. Reh.fyz.lék., 1998.
  • HADRABA, I. Sofistika stavby ortoprotéz dolní končetiny.. Ortopedická protetika, 1999.
  • HADRABA, I. Vztah mezi dynamickými ortézami ruky a úchopem. Reh.fyz.lék., 1996.
  • HUSIČ, I. Ortotika. Ortotika. FOPTO, 2003.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Ortotika. FOPTO, 2004.
  • Lusardi, Michelle M.; Jorge, Milagros "Millee"; Nielsen, Caroline. Orthotics & prosthetics in rehabilitation. 3rd ed. St. Louis : Saunders, 2013. ISBN 978-1-4377-1936-9.
  • May, B. J. Amputations and prosthetics. Philadelphia.
  • Půlpán, Rudolf. Základy protetiky. Vydání 1. 2011. ISBN 978-80-260-0027-3.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester