Course: Kinetic Activities 2

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Course title Kinetic Activities 2
Course code KFE/PA2
Organizational form of instruction Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Červený Gustav, Mgr.
Course content
1. Testing basic physical skills in sport and basic principles of their development 2. Testing the functional performance of seniors fitness test 3. The use of sporttester in physical activity 4. Motivation for physical activity and the concept of exercise for health 5. Hypokinesis and civilization diseases 6. General recommendations for prescribing physical activity with respect to the health of the individual 7. Aerobic exercise activities 8. Motion activities with focus on coordination 9. Motion activities suitable to maintain the functional state of the individual

Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Discussion, One-to-One tutorial, Skills demonstration, Individual study
  • Contact hours - 30 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 20 hours per semester
describe the basic schema of the exercise unit
define differences during the exercise unit at different stages of life
describe the impact of involutional changes on individual performance
leading the exercise unit for fitness development and promoting proper posture
choose appropriate / inappropriate exercises for a group of individuals with respect to age, condition and fitness
learning outcomes
describe appropriate methods for testing the fitness level of athletes and seniors
define the impact of hypokinesis on human health
use a sporttester
examine the senior by a suitable method of testing
lead group lessons with goals of the exercise
teaching methods
Collaborative instruction
Individual study
Skills demonstration
assessment methods
Skills demonstration during practicum
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Dobeš, Miroslav; Dobešová, Petra. Cvičíme na velkém míči : 150 cviků pro zábavné domácí cvičení určené téměř všem věkovým kategoriím. 1. vyd. Havířov : DOMIGA, 1996. ISBN 80-902222-0-X.
  • DOVALIL, J., a kol. Trénink a výkon ve sportu. Praha: Olympia. ISBN 978-80-7376-130-1.
  • Kalvach, Z. Úvod do gerontologie a geriatrie. Karolínum, 1997.
  • Máček, M. - Vávra,J. Fyziologie a patofyziologie tělesné zátěže. Praha, 1988.
  • Placheta Z. Zátěžová diagnostika v ambulantní a klinické praxi. Praha, Grada, 1999.
  • Stejskal, P. Obesity, energy balance and its regulation. Gymnica. Olomouc,, 2000.
  • Stejskal, P. Preskripce trvání tréninku, jeho energetického výdeje a týdenní frekvence v rámci aerobní části programu tělesné aktivity. Med. Sport .Bohem. Slovaca, 1993.
  • StejskalL, P. Proč a jak se zdravě hýbat.. Břeclav : Presstempus,, 2004.
  • Véle, František. Kineziologie postulárního systému. 1. vyd. Praha : Karolinum, 1995. ISBN 80-7184-100-5ch.
  • VÉLE, František. Kineziologie: přehled klinické kineziologie a patokineziologie pro diagnostiku a terapii poruch pohybové soustavy. Praha: Triton, 2006. ISBN 80-7254-837-9.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester