Course: Physiotherapeutic Practice 1

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Course title Physiotherapeutic Practice 1
Course code KFE/SOPF1
Organizational form of instruction Practice
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Stašková Šárka, Mgr.
  • Hereitová Iva, Mgr.
Course content
Course content: (4 weeks in summer ? 8 hours a day, i.e. 160 hours in all) 1. Inpatient documentation (structure of physiotherapeutic documentation ? medical history, examination, short- and long-term therapeutic plans) 2. Basic examination of the patient (goniometry, anthropometry, muscular test, palpation) in traumatological and surgical diagnoses and selected orthopaedic and geriatric diagnoses) 3. Basic procedures in therapeutic physical training (individual and group fitness exercises, breathing exercises, relaxation, passive movements of upper and lower limbs, unloaded movement, supported movement, movement against resistance, positioning, active movements of upper and lower limbs of analytical nature, use of aids) 4. Use of postisometric relaxation for increasing movement and rhythmical stabilization. Nonspecific ball facilitation. Verticalization and locomotion training. 5. Application of physical therapy in rehabilitation (hydrotherapy, inhalation therapy, classical massage, phototherapy, galvanization, iontophoresis)

Learning activities and teaching methods
Discussion, One-to-One tutorial, Clinical practice under supervision, Skills demonstration, Self-study of literature
  • Contact hours - 160 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 5 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 5 hours per semester
Student can understand and name the basic terms used in rehabilitation nursing and practically applied them.After completing the course students have mastered basic anatomic orientation. They can use medical terminology in the examination, define the findings with respect to the current anthropometrics measurement, explain the muscular dysbalance and according to the examination, describe the typical body posture, apply the meassurement each parts of anthropometrics and evaluate the range of movement with describing of physiological range at the various plane levels, performs basic palpation examination of anthropometric points and shortened muscles.
Student/ka provede antropometrické i goniometrické vyšetření, předvede hodnocení páteře ve všech pohybech, testem i palpačně ověří zkrácené svaly, vyjadřuje úroveń svalové aktivity. Student/ka se vyjadřuje v základní odborné terminologii, popíše, předvede a vede cvičební jednotku kondičního cvičení, prakticky provádí jednotlivé složky prevence imobilizačního syndromu. Předvede ošetření jizvy a vybrané druhy klasické masáže včetně masáže celkové a to v požadovaném postupu se správným výběrem hmatů.
learning outcomes
Competences: After completing the course students under supervision, performs diagnostic aspection and palpation and the recommended rehabilitation plan based on theoretical knowledge and kinesiotherapy anamnesis applies the approach in practice. It uses aids and supports the client to take an active approach including education with the aim of maximum self-sufficiency, improve or maintain the status quo of of rehabilitation nursing, trauma, surgery, and selected diagnoses orthopedics and geriatrics.
Student/ka provede odebrání anamnézy, předvede vyšetření antropometrické, goniometrické, testem ověří svalovou činnost, vyjadřuje svalové dysbalance a úroveň držení těla, provádí vyšetření aspekcí i palpací. Aplikuje postupy LTV do praxe, zlepší soběstačnost, využívá pomůcek.
teaching methods
Clinical practice under supervision
Skills demonstration
Self-study of literature
One-to-One tutorial
Clinical practice under supervision
assessment methods
Individual presentation at a seminar
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Haladová, E. a kol. Léčebná tělesná výchova - cvičení. IDVPZ Brno, 1997.
  • Haladová, E., Nechvátalová, L. Vyšetřovací metody hybného systému. IDVPZ Brno, 1997.
  • Hromádková, J. a kol. Fyzioterapie. H+H Jinočany, 1999.
  • Janda, V. Funkční svalový test. Grada s.r.o. Praha, 1996.
  • Janda,V., Paulů, D. Goniometrie. IDVPZ Brno, 1993.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester