Course: Nursing in home care

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Course title Nursing in home care
Course code KOS/DPEK
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 1
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Koptíková Jana, PhDr. Mgr.
  • Koptíková Jana, PhDr.
Course content
Content of lectures: Nursing home care, home care, work characteristics, home care development in the Czech Republic. home care providers, home care financing, professional and lay-home care. Management in Home Care: CASE management horizontal management management of care and activities care and help management self-reflection and self-regulation of the manager Complex home care. Theory of Human Health Resources by Hornung. Work tools for documenting information, autobiographical resources of the client and data analysis in complex home care, final documentation processing. Home Care Agencies, Law and Legislation of Home Care Agencies. Educational activities in home care.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
  • Contact hours - 8 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 20 hours per semester
to demonstrate knowledge of nursing
to explain the nursing process
znalost ošetřovatelského procesu a jeho aplikace
to apply the nursing process
learning outcomes
defines the basic aspects of home care management
defines the basic legal norms of home care
specifies the needs of patients and relatives in accompaniment and mourning
educates clients and their relatives
performs the nursing process in home care
teaching methods
Interactive lecture
Individual study
Interactive lecture
Interactive lecture
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Seminar work
Seminar work
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • JAROŠOVÁ, Darja a Renáta ZELENÍKOVÁ. Ošetřovatelství založené na důkazech: evidence based nursing. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2014, 136 s. Sestra (Grada). ISBN 978-80-247-5345-4..
  • Jarošová, Darja. Úvod do komunitního ošetřovatelství. Praha : Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-2150-7.
  • KALÁBOVÁ, Martina. Rady ošetřovatelské. Praha: Diakonie ČCE, 2013. ISBN 978-80-904711-4-6.
  • Marková, Marie. Komunitní ošetřovatelství pro sestry : učební text pro sestry v komunitní péči. Vyd. 1. Brno : Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7013-499-3.
  • Vörösová, Gabriela; Solgajová, Andrea; Archalousová, Alexandra. Ošetřovatelská diagnostika v práci sestry. 1. vydání. 2015. ISBN 978-80-247-5538-0.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester