Course: Nursing care of patients with disorders of the internal environment

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Course title Nursing care of patients with disorders of the internal environment
Course code KOS/NOVPK
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Kasal Eduard, Doc. MUDr. CSc.
  • Brož Pavel, MUDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Metabolism water control options. The basic mechanisms of disorders of water and electrolyte management, customization options. Metabolism of water - dehydration and hyperhydration, customization options. The metabolism of sodium, potassium, chloride, metabolism disorders, treatment options. Metabolism of magnesium, calcium, phosphate, metabolism disorders, adjustment possibilities. Acid-base balance - basic concepts, measured and calculated parameters. Acid-base balance - basic fault customization options.

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Contact hours - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 30 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 40 hours per semester
knowledge of the subject anatomy and physiology
learning outcomes
Student: - Details of water metabolism in the human body - Characterizes the mechanisms of disorders of metabolism in the body of water - Metabolism is characterized by minerals in the electrolyte - Spell out the basic components of acid-base balance - Describes the acid-base disturbances and their solutions
teaching methods
assessment methods
Oral exam
Written exam
Recommended literature
  • JABOR, Antonín. Vnitřní prostředí, 1.vydání. Praha: Grada. 2009. ISBN: 978-80-247-1221-5..
  • KAZDA, Antonín Kritické stavy. Metabolická a laboratorní problematika. Praha: Galén.2012.s.346. ISBN 9788072627639..
  • KITTNAR, Otomar, MLČEK Mikuláš. Atlas fyziologických regulací. Praha: Grada. 2009. S. 320. ISBN 978-80-247-2722-6..
  • KOLMAN, Jan, RŐHM, Klaus. Barevný atlas biochemie. Praha: Grada. 2012.s.512. ISBN 978-80-247-2977-0..
  • ROKYTA, Richard. Fyziologie a patologická fyziologie. Praha: Grada. 2015.s.712. ISBN 978-80-247-4867-2..
  • ZIMA, Tomáš. , Laboratorní diagnostika. 3.vydání. Praha: Galén. 2013. ISBN 978-80- 749-2062-2..

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester