Course: Midwifery care of women during irregular birth

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Course title Midwifery care of women during irregular birth
Course code KOS/NPOR
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Korečko Vladimír, MUDr. Ph.D.
  • Hendrych Lorenzová Eva, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Kašová Lucie, Mgr.
Course content
Disorders of uterine activity ( hypoactivity , hyperactivity , precipitous labor, prolonged childbirth ) , medication delivery. Fetal hypoxia during labor , 1st Examination methods . Preterm labor, premature rupture of amniotic fluid , tocolysis . Childbirth after the deadline transmission . Induction of labor . Disorders insistence and entering header disorder mechanism II . stage of labor . Deflection position. Location oblique and transverse . Rupture of the uterus. Urging a prolapse of small parts. Breech . Complications during childbirth pelvic end . Birth of a multiple pregnancy. Irregularities III . of labor, operations in III . stage of labor . Irregularities IV . of labor, hypotonia, atonia . The issue of DIC . Management of labor in women with associated diseases. Caesarean section . Forceps delivery . exercise: Exercise linked to the topics of lectures processing in the form of case studies the problem of teaching work with obstetrical models work with information resources (literature , journals , internet)

Learning activities and teaching methods
Multimedia supported teaching, Skills demonstration, Lecture, Lecture with visual aids, Practicum
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 20 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 40 hours per semester
to define signs of impending childbirth
to describe the process of admission of the mother to the delivery room
to explain the possible positions of women during childbirth and their benefits
to evaluate cardiotocographic examination
to demonstrate external and internal obstetric examination on the model
to demonstrate the management of the second, third period of labor on the model
to demonstrate the treatment of birth injuries on the model
to list the documentation of a fictitious mother
learning outcomes
he/she defines the term irregular birth
he/she describes the principles of caring for a woman who gives birth in an irregular birth
he/she lists the causes, symptoms and treatment of irregular birth
he/she explains and describe the adequate procedure of nursing care in specific emergencies during childbirth
he/she distinguishes priorities in dealing with the care of a woman with an irregular birth
he/she draws up a plan for the care of a woman in the event of an irregular birth
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture with a video analysis
Multimedia supported teaching
Skills demonstration
Task-based study method
Task-based study method
assessment methods
Oral exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Oral exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Binder, Tomáš. Nemoci v těhotenství : a řešení vybraných závažných peripartálních stavů. 2020. ISBN 978-80-271-2009-3.
  • Čepický, Pavel. Kapitoly z diferenciální diagnostiky v gynekologii a porodnictví. 2018. ISBN 978-80-247-5604-2.
  • Marshall, Jayne E.; Raynor, Maureen D. Myles textbook for midwives. Sixteenth edition. 2014. ISBN 978-0-7020-5145-6.
  • Procházka, Martin a kol. Porodní asistence: Učebnice pro vzdělávání i každodenní praxi.. Praha: Maxdorf, 2020. ISBN 978-80-7345-618-4.
  • Procházka, Martin; Pilka, Radovan,; Bubeníková, Štěpánka; Curtisová, Václava; Doseděl, Martin; Frančáková, Jana; Hudec, Adam,; Janků, Petr,; Janoušková, Kateřina; Kantor, Lumír,; Klát, Jaroslav; Korečko, Vladimír; Ľubušký, Marek,; Malý, Josef; Pastorková, Radmila; Šimetka, Ondřej,; Šuláková, Soňa,; Vavřinková, Blanka,; Velebil, Petr,; Vlk, Radovan. Porodnictví pro studenty všeobecného lékařství a porodní asistence. 2016. ISBN 978-80-906280-0-7.
  • Šálková Jana a kol. Intenzivní péče v porodní asistenci. Praha: Grada, 2022. ISBN 978-80-271-0844-2.
  • Turková, M., Malínská, Z., Pilka, R. a kol. Přehledný ultrazvukový atlas v gynekologii a porodnictví. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2022. ISBN 978-80-244-6045-1.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester