Course: Theory of Nursing and Community Care

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Course title Theory of Nursing and Community Care
Course code KOS/TOK
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Krocová Jitka, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Křivková Jana, Mgr.
Course content
Lectures History of nursing - development of the nursing profession, development lines of care. Nursing as a scientific discipline, definition of development in the Czech Republic and abroad. European health care strategy and a new concept of nursing. Professional education and competencies of the Paramedic in practice. Specialized education, lifelong education of non-medical health workers. Register of health professionals qualified to perform the medical profession without professional supervision. New curriculum according to the WHO European strategy. Nursing practice, methods and forms of nursing care and health care, nursing systems. Standardization in nursing and quality management in nursing. Basics of transcultural nursing. Hornung theory of human health sources. Community, community work, community care, community nursing. Selected historical indicators of community work. Community care and its general principles. Theory of community nursing. Ethics in community nursing. Health services and institutions in community and home care. Treatment of patients in their own social environment. Primary health and nursing care. Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention. Professional organizations for non - medical health professionals. The role and personality of a non-medical health worker. Presentation of students, granting credit.

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Contact hours - 30 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 5 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 20 hours per semester
are not required
are not required
learning outcomes
describes the historical development of nursing in the Czech Republic and in the world
defines the term community and explains its main social functions
characterizes health services and institutions in community and home care
defines nursing as a scientific discipline
evaluates the basic needs of the individual
controls nursing methodology
uses professional nursing terminology
distinguishes between community work, community care and community nursing
teaching methods
Interactive lecture
Interactive lecture
assessment methods
Oral exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Oral exam
Oral exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • JAROŠOVÁ, D., ZELANÍKOVÁ, R. Ošetřovatelství založené na důkazech.. Praha : Grada, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-5345-4.
  • Jarošová, Darja. Úvod do komunitního ošetřovatelství. Praha : Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-2150-7.
  • Kutnohorská, Jana. Historie ošetřovatelství. Praha : Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3224-4.
  • Mastiliaková, Dagmar. Posuzování stavu zdraví a ošetřovatelská diagnostika : v moderní ošetřovatelské praxi. 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-5376-8.
  • Pavlíková, Slavomíra. Modely ošetřovatelství v kostce. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2006. ISBN 80-247-1211-3.
  • Plevová, Ilona. Ošetřovatelství II. Praha : Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3558-0.
  • Plevová, Ilona. Ošetřovatelství I. 2018. ISBN 978-80-271-0888-6.
  • PODRAZILOVÁ, P., KRAUSE, M. ĎURÁČOVÁ, L. KUČEROVÁ, T. Teorie ošetřovatelství.. Liberec: Technická Univerzita v Liberci, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7494-297-6.
  • TÓTHOVÁ, Valérie a kol. Ošetřovatelský proces a jeho realizace. 2. přeprac.. Triton, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7387-785-9.
  • Trachtová, Eva. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu : učební texty pro vyšší zdravotnické školy, bakalářské a magisterské studium, specializační studium sester. 2018. ISBN 978-80-7013-590-7.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester