Course: Basics of communication

» List of faculties » FZS » KOS
Course title Basics of communication
Course code KOS/ZKL
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kroupová Lenka, Mgr.
  • Boháčová Aneta, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures 1. Introduction to the subject. 2. The concept of communication, structure and importance of communication in healthcare. 3. Types of communication. Verbal communication - disorders and barriers. 4. Forms of non-verbal communication. 5. Empathy. 6. Interview - types, phases, prerequisites for a successful interview, errors in interview implementation. 7. The art of dialogue. Feedback, appreciation. Presentation communication skills. Trembling. 8. Social perception. 9. Errors of social perception and how to avoid them. 10. Assertiveness - assertive rights, techniques, assertive acceptance of justified and unjustified criticism. 11. Conflict situations and their management. 12. Devaluation, evaluation, altruism, iatropathogenesis, silence. 13. Burn-out syndrome. 14. Relaxation techniques. 15. Repetition. Exercises 1. - 3. Practice of non-verbal communication. Passing information through verbal communication. One-way communication. Laevitt squares. Self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-presentation. Social psychological training. 4. - 6. Development of communication techniques - interview, questioning technique, argumentation, feedback. Power-point presentation communication skills. 7. - 9. Social perception in communication. Social Perception Test. Assertive techniques in practice. Video demonstrations, model situations. 10. - 12. Coping with conflict situations. 13. - 15. Development of empathy. Crisis intervention. Credit test.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Practicum
  • Contact hours - 12 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 40 hours per semester
No particular prerequisites specified
learning outcomes
Knowledge of graduates: Graduates describe forms of verbal communication and specify the issues of transfer of information. Explain the techniques of assertiveness and conflict situations. Graduate Skills: Graduate will acquire basic skills in social communication important in interpersonal and professional relationships and be able to avoid the stereotype of information and communication barriers. Gets communication skills in non-verbal communication, social perception distinguish mistakes, explain and demonstrate assertive techniques.
teaching methods
assessment methods
Written exam
Recommended literature
  • Medlíková ,O. Přesvědčivá prezentace. Praha. Grada. 2010.s.144. ISBN 978-80-247-3455-2..
  • Plamínek J. Komunikace a prezentace. vyd.2. Praha. Grada.2012.s.200. ISBN 978-80-247-4484-1..
  • Ptáček, R., Bartůněk P a kol. Etika a komunikace v medicíně. Praha. Grada.2011.s.528. ISBN 978-80-247-3976-2..
  • Scharlau, Ch. Trénink úspěšné komunikace. Praha. Grada. 2010.s.112. ISBN 978-80-247-3301-2..
  • Špatenková N., Králová J. Základní otázky komunikace. Praha Grada, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7262-599-4.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester