Information on study programme

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Faculty Faculty of Arts (FF)
Study programme International Regional Studies (N6702)
Branch of study / Specialization Near Eastern Studies (6702T013/00 - 16-4)
Level of acquired qualification Postgraduate Master
Form of study Full-time
Standard length of study 2 years
Number of ECTS credits 120
Qualification awarded Master (7)
Access to further studies Doctoral study programme  
Type of completion
Study and Examination Code URL
Faculty coordinator for international students
Horová Helena, PhDr. Ph.D.
Phone: +420 377 635 006
Fax: +420 377 635 002
Key learning outcomes Navazující magisterský studijní program se standardní dobou studia 2 roky, titul Mgr. Pro absolvování je nutno získat minimálně 120 kreditů v předepsané skladbě předmětů, vypracovat a obhájit diplomovou práci a úspěšně složit státní závěrečnou zkoušku.
Specific admission requirements Passing a written entrance examination
Specific provisions for recognition of prior learning General Rules for the Recognition of Previous Studies
Qualification requirements and regulations 120 ECTS credits, Diploma Thesis, Final State Examination
Profile of the programme The program has academic character and it consists of theoretical courses from the fields of history and culture of the Near East region, religious studies with emphasis on Islam and Judaism, and anthropology. It also includes group of languages where Arabic and Ivrit are essential. Graduates use the gained language skills in translations, tourism, diplomacy etc.
Persistence requirements unspecified
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples Graduates are fit for studying in relevant Ph.D. programs. In labor market they find opportunities in organizations, institutions and companies with commercial, cultural, humanitarian and academic contacts in Near Eastern countries. These may be for example ministries of foreign affairs or commerce or culture, embassies, law-enforcement agencies, cultural and humanitarian institutions, industrial companies, schools, museums, media and so on.
Branch of study / Specialization guarantor Charvát Petr, Prof. PhDr. DrSc.
2. year
Winter Summer
Sum of ECTS credits
for compulsory courses 3
Student chooses optional courses so that the number of ECTS credits for optional courses totals: 27.
KBS/DPS (18)
Sum of ECTS credits
for compulsory courses 18
Student chooses optional courses so that the number of ECTS credits for optional courses totals: 12
Total 60 credits
Total 120 credits