Course: Studio 10

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Course title Studio 10
Course code KAU/AT10
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 17
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Barta Jiří, Prof. akad. mal.
  • Domlátil Vojtěch, Doc. MgA.
Course content
1.-13. Individual animated project, extent: 5-15 minutes. Preparing the project. Choice of own draft and script. Own choice of technology.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Project-based instruction, Instruction based on dialogue, Multimedia supported teaching, Students' portfolio, One-to-One tutorial, Skills demonstration, Task-based study method, Individual study, Seminar
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 50 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 208 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 20 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 100 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 65 hours per semester
to recall knowledge about a wider range of advanced visual means in graphical and animation editors, about their possible relationships and combinations suitable for artistic experiment and drifting the theme to own individual style, their usage in creating animation projects from beginning to final look, to use conceptional artistic thinkong for searching for suitable both tradicional and experimental expressive means for animation, to use knowledge about visual means suitable for animated films in its traditional and innovative form, designing variants with a respect to correctly linking the function and aesthetic criteria of the product, to interpret own knowlidge about historical and contemporary style canons and their possible conections, to use the suitable ways of mechanism of communication with the client to determine his/her requirements, to critically assess his/her own work in a discipline context, to plan a project in the production team dealing with complex tasks, about ways to justify and defend your own design activity in relation to other members of the production team,
designing the author's theme and its structuring into the scenario as well as the non-traditional chaining of the story , to use a variety of visual and audial means, to be able to combine and alter them in artistic experiment searchnig for own individual style, to plan a complex animation project and suggests its different forms with accent on artistic means, individually and as a manager of a team of various staff professions during realization of animated movie, to choose the appropriate technology for producing the final product based on its usage, to reflect its work in the context of professional, technical and technological processes, to submit his proposal and selection to the contracting authority and justify it in the respect to the task and his/her requirements, to critically assess his/her own work in the field context and style framework, to select the most suitable variant of the final graphic project and create complex design documentation, to choose appropriate forms of presentation and promotion of animation project related to the targeted social group or aimed viewers, with erudition, to present his work to the professional community, to be able to accept and assert in a way the evaluation and critical response, to be fully involved in the activities of the production team dealing with complex tasks, to explain and defend his/her choice from other members of the production team, to be able to accept and assert in a way the evaluation and critical response
learning outcomes
about planning more complex animation project aimed to advanced options in a field of animation and interactivity, animation techniques, quality and kinds of motion, animation software and technical equipment, cut, postproduction and creation of autiotrack, about designing variants with a view to correctly linking the function and aesthetics of the animation, about possibilities of postproduction of an animated movie, of ways of communicating with the contracting authority in order to identify his / her requirements and argumentation for own artistic approach, about technological procedures of supporting disciplines cooperating on the development of the project, about local and foreign companies and individuals research the same problematics,
to individually choose a sphere of creation and animating of own interest, to search in a general assignment for own outcome and view leading to innovation adn individualization of own style and form, writes and equips visualization of the project research and project documentation including referentional authors and inspirational resources, postproduction of an animated movie and elaborating of an audiotrack, to be an active part of a team, to represent own discipline and profession and to individually learn to help develop the common project, to apply the knowledge of supporting disciplines in making animated movie (cut, technical support, postproduction, etc.) to choose the appropriate technology for developing animated movie and all particular work phases, then realize the project by declared procedures, to export meant visual into suitable animation techniques in a form of given techniques or artistic experiment, to critically assess his/her own work in the field context and style framework, to choose appropriate forms of presentation and promotion of the prototype/project in accent on targeted group of viewers, to justify the value of the product / project in the interdisciplinary context, in fornt of a customer and other members of a team, to practically apply conceptual artistic thinking,
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
One-to-One tutorial
Skills demonstration
Seminar classes
Students' portfolio
Project-based instruction
assessment methods
Individual presentation at a seminar
Skills demonstration during practicum
Practical exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • ukázky ze světové i domácí animované tvorby ( v celé škále často používaných žánrů), ukázky z animované grafiky (motion design) a příklady interaktivních animací (hry, webová grafika)..
  • Bendazzi, Giannalberto. Cartoons : one hundred years of cinema animation. London : John Libbey, 1994. ISBN 0861964454.
  • Boček, Jaroslav. Jiří Trnka : Historie díla a jeho tvůrce. Praha : Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury a umění, 1963.
  • Dovnikovič, B. Základy kreslené animace.
  • Dutka, Edgar. Scenáristika animovaného filmu ; Minimum z historie české animace. Praha (1 vyd.), 2002.
  • Field Syd. Jak napsat dobrý scénář.. Praha, 2007. ISBN 80-87067-65-7.
  • Kubíček, Jiří. Úvod do estetiky animace. Praha : Akademie múzických umění, 2004. ISBN 80-7331-019-8.
  • Kurz, Sibylle. Pitch it!. ISBN 978-80-7331-284-8.
  • McCloud, Scott. Jak rozumět komiksu. 1. vyd. v českém jazyce. Praha : BB/art, 2008. ISBN 978-80-7381-419-9.
  • Poš, J. Český animovaný film.
  • Urc, Rudolf. Animovaný film. Bratislava : Osveta, 1980.
  • Valušiak, Josef. Základy střihové skladby. V Praze : FAMU, 2005. ISBN 80-7331-039-2.
  • Wiedemann, Julius. Animation Now!. Hong Kong : Taschen, 2007. ISBN 978-3-8228-3789-4.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester