Course: Studio 5

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Course title Studio 5
Course code KAU/MM5S
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 16
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Takáč Viktor, MgA. Ph.D.
Course content
1.-13. Assigning the topic of the semestral project (SP) Getting familiar with animated film characteristics, traditional and modern technologies. Practical use of animation techniques overview. Animated film - work technologies/procedures overview. Cartoon animation, computer animation - short units. Animation using typography. Cutout or PC animation. Presentation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 140 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 40 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 40 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 195 hours per semester
planning a more advanced multimedia project arranged or documentary, proposing author's topics and their analysis, technological and technical procedures of shooting, including technology (motion capture), technological and technical procedures of scenic sets suitable for film or multimedia projection, more advanced principles of project presentation and promotion, historical and contemporary stylistic canons used in the multimedia discipline, visual means suitable for multimedia
plans a project for a documentary, reportage or short original film, proposes and discusses advanced and richer topics, lays out the plot while considering non-traditional compositional procedures, combinations of plot lines, and gradation of plot tension, manages the scenic design to create the scenic space and the artistic characteristics and atmosphere of the place, realizes a film unit intended for the Internet or TV, or for mapping projection, handles more advanced editing post-production of the picture (montage, juxtaposition, collision of one shot with another, post-synchronization, etc.), reflects his work in historical and contemporary contexts and justifies his judgments, reflects his work in the context of professional, technical and technological procedures, presents his work to the professional community with erudition and uses more advanced presentation principles, is able to accept and creatively use evaluative and critical responses
learning outcomes
planning a more advanced multimedia project arranged or documentary, basic principles of cooperation with other staff professions in the field of audiovisual projects, proposing more advanced author topics and their analysis, a wide index of technological and technical procedures of sensing and projection, a wide register of technological and technical procedures of stage sets suitable for film or multimedia projection, including overlaps in installation and interior design, advanced principles of project presentation and promotion, historical and contemporary stylistic canons used in the multimedia discipline, visual means suitable for multimedia and related fields
plans a more advanced multimedia arranged or documentary project, participates in the project and cooperates with other staff professions, designs and analyzes more advanced and mature authoring project topics, applies a wide range of plot construction methods, including non-traditional procedures, in depth manages the realization of a scenic set suitable for a film or multimedia projection, including overlaps into installation and interior design, realizes a film unit intended for the Internet or TV, or for mapping projection, handles advanced editing post-production of the film (montage, juxtaposition, collision of one shot with another, post-synchronization, etc.), presents the project in an advanced way and suggests various ways of its promotion, reflects his work in historical and contemporary contexts and justifies his judgments, reflects his work in the context of professional, technical and technological procedures, presents his work to the professional community with erudition and uses advanced presentation principles, is able to accept and creatively use evaluative and critical responses
teaching methods
Students' portfolio
One-to-One tutorial
Seminar classes
Skills demonstration
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Seminar work
Continuous assessment
Skills demonstration during practicum
Practical exam
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Avid DVD Authoring by Sonic User Guides. 2005.
  • Avid Media Composer Guides. 2006.
  • Avid 3D Animation and Graphic. 2004.
  • Barthes, Roland. Světlá komora : vysvětlivky k fotografii. [1. vyd.]. Bratislava : Archa, 1994. ISBN 80-7115-081-9.
  • Bendová Helena. Umění počítačových her. Praha : AMU, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7331-421-7.
  • Benjamin, Walter. Umělecké dílo v době mechanické reprodukovatelnosti, In: Walter Benjamin, Dílo a jeho zdroj, str. 18 - 34. Praha, Odeon, 1979.
  • Buscombe, Edward. Cinema today. London : Phaidon, 2003. ISBN 0-7148-4081-5.
  • Campany, David. Art and photography. London : Phaidon, 2003. ISBN 0-7148-4286-9.
  • Frascina, Francis; Harris, Jonathan. Art in modern culture : an anthology of critical texts. London : Phaidon, 1992. ISBN 0-7148-2840-8.
  • Gablik, Suzi. Selhala moderna?. 1. vyd. Olomouc : Votobia, 1995. ISBN 80-85885-20-4.
  • Chalupecký, Jindřich. Úděl umělce : duchampovské meditace. 1. vyd. Praha : Torst, 1998. ISBN 80-7215-050-2.
  • Christov-Bakargiev, Carolyn. Arte povera. London : Phaidon, 1999. ISBN 0-7148-4556-6.
  • Manovich L. The Language of New Media. The MIT Press, 1st ed. London, England; Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2002. ISBN 026212226X.
  • Manovich, Lev. Software takes command extending the language of new media. New York : Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 978-1-62356-745-3.
  • Meyer, James Sampson. Minimalism. London : Phaidon, 2000. ISBN 0-7148-3460-2.
  • Osborne, Peter. Conceptual art. London : Phaidon, 2002. ISBN 0-7148-3930-2.
  • Pelzer, Birgit; Francis, Mark; Colomina, Beatriz. Dan Graham. London : Phaidon, 2001. ISBN 0-7148-3964-7.
  • Reckitt, Helena. Art and feminism. London : Phaidon, 2001. ISBN 0-7148-3529-3.
  • Sontag, Susan. O fotografii. Vyd. 1. Praha ; Paseka, 2002. ISBN 80-7185-471-9.
  • Valušiak, Josef. Základy střihové skladby. V Praze : FAMU, 2005. ISBN 80-7331-039-2.
  • Verwoert, Jan; Halley, Peter; Matsui, Midori. Wolfgang Tillmans. London : Phaidon, 2002. ISBN 0-7148-4192-7.
  • Ward, Frazer; Taylor, Mark C.; Bloomer, Jennifer. Vito Acconci. London : Phaidon, 2002. ISBN 0-7148-4002-5.
  • Warr, Tracey. The artist`s body. London : Phaidon, 2000. ISBN 0-7148-3502-1.
  • Watson, Scott; Thater, Diana; Clover, Carol J. Stan Douglas. London : Phaidon, 1998. ISBN 0-7148-3796-2.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester