Course: Studio 7

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Course title Studio 7
Course code KAU/UF7
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 17
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Grygar Štěpán, Prof. Mgr.
  • Aubrecht Vojtěch, MgA.
Course content

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture with practical applications, Project-based instruction, Multimedia supported teaching, One-to-One tutorial, Skills demonstration, Task-based study method, Individual study, Lecture with visual aids, Practicum
  • Contact hours - 208 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 20 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 50 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 100 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 65 hours per semester
The student is supposed to succeed in talent-based admission exam into the postgraduate study at the Art school.
learning outcomes
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Multimedia supported teaching
Task-based study method
Skills demonstration
Project-based instruction
Individual study
One-to-One tutorial
Interactive lecture
assessment methods
Practical exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Seminar work
Continuous assessment
Recommended literature
  • Graphis Photo: jednotlivé ročníky.
  • New Product Shots. Pro-Lighting. Rotovision SA.. Switzerland, 1999.
  • Product Shots. Pro-Lighting. Rotovision SA. 1994.
  • Anděl, J. Nová vize. Avantgardní architektura v avandgardní fotografii, Československo 1918-1938.. Praha: Slovart, 2005. ISBN 80-7209-624-9.
  • Avedon, R. Versace/Avedon. The Naked & The Dressed. New York, 1998.
  • Baran, L. Praha objektivem mistrů. Praha: Panorama, 1983.
  • Birgus, V.; Mlčoch, J. Česká fotografie 20. století. Praha: KANT, 2010.
  • Birgus, Vladimír. Česká fotografická avantgarda. Praha, 1999.
  • Cotton, Ch. The Making of Contemporary Fashion Photographs. London, 2000.
  • Gursky, Andreas. Fotografien 1984 bis Heute.
  • Herschdorger, Nathalie. Coming into Fashion. A Century of Photography at Condé Nast. Thames and Hudson,.
  • Myška, M. Velká kniha digitální fotografie. Brno, 2007.
  • Ogylvy, David. O reklamě. Praha, 2007.
  • Pohribný, Jan. Kreativní světlo ve fotografii. Brno, 2011.
  • Sontagová, Susan. O fotografii. Paseka, 2002.
  • Třeštík, Tomáš. Osobnosti současné české reklamní a módní fotografie. [Praha] : Atemi, 2002. ISBN 80-238-8197-3.
  • Uher, Vladimír; Pavlík, Milan. Dialog tvarů : architektura barokní Prahy : struktury, tvary a kompozice ve fotografii. Vyd. 1. Praha : Odeon, 1974.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester