Special nursing care in prehospital care and in medical rescue service. Knowledge of prehospital care: 1) cardiovascular system (electrophysiology of heart, hemodynamics, sudden heart arrest and blood circulation, shock conditions, ischemic heart disease,arrhythmia, collapse, acute coronary conclusion) 2) respiratory system (sudden respiration arrest, acute respiratory insufficiency, aspiration and bleeding into airways, asthmatic attack, pulmonary oedema, pulmonary contusion, pneumothorax) 3) central nervous system (unconsciousness, cerebral vascular attacks, spasms, cranial heamorrhage, brain oedema, traumatology of central nervous system, effect of toxic substances on central nervous system, acute psychiatric conditions.) 4) gastrointestinal tract (haemorrhage, sudden abdominal incidence, acute pancreatitis) 5) urogenital tract (acute kidney failure, kidney colic, disorders of acid-base balance) 6) endocrine system (acute metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus-hypoglycaemia, hyperglycaemia, thyreotoxic crisis) 7) acute conditions in paediatry (acute epiglottiditis, subglotic laryngitis, feverish conditions, acute poisoning, Battery Child Syndrom) 8) acute conditions in surgery (craniocerebral injuries, spinal injuries, thoracic injuries, pelvic injuries, injuries of extremities, polytrauma, Crush syndrom, blast syndrom, burns, acid and alkali burns, strangulation.) 9) acute conditions in othorhinolaryngology and dentistry (ear injuries, dizziness, nose injuries, epistaxis; facial injuries, jaw fractures, foreign body) 10) acute conditions in ophtamology (injuries and acid or alkali burns of eye, foreign body in eye, acute glaucoma) 11) acute conditions in gynaecology and obstetrics ( acute abdominal incidence, genitals haemorrhage, abotion, preterm delivery, preeclampsy, post-rape condition)
Ann, R., Sharon E. Repetitorium pro zdravotní sestry.
Farkašová, D. a kol. Ošetřovatelství-teorie 1. české vydání. Martin: Osveta.
Jarošová, D. Teorie moderního ošetřovatelství.
Mikešová, Z., Fraňková, M., Hernerová, R., Zajíčková, M. Kapitoly z ošetřovatelské péče I..
Mikešová, Z., Fraňková, M., Hernerová, R., Zajíčková, M. Kapitoly z ošetřovatelské péče II..
Rozsypalová, M, Staňková, M a kol. Ošetřovatelství I..
Rozsypalová, M, Staňková, M a kol. Ošetřovatelství II..
Rozsypalová, M., Šafránková, A. Ošetřovatelství I..