Content of the professional practice: - Operating rules of corresponding microbiologic laboratory, health and safety rules, disinfection and sterilization rules. - Throat and nose investigation, ear and saccus conjunctivae swab. - Wound investigation. - Sputum (bronchial irrigation of pus) investigation. - Urine investigation, urethral swabs. - Faeces investigation. - Dialysate investigation. Punctate investigation. - Cerebrospinal fluid investigation. - Cannula, catheter investigation. - Investigation of blood form hemoculture. - Anaerobic investigation. - Mycologic investigation. - Investigation of part of the tissue. - Investigation of Helicobacter pylori from bioptic harvest. - Vaginal environment investigation. - Investigation of mycoplasma, ureaplasma. - Chlamydia investigation. - Sterility investigation. - Setting of minimum inhibitory concentration of antibiotics and permitting of bound antibiotics. - Investigation of Legionella pneumophila. - Evaluation of practical professional training.
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Schindler, J. Mikrobiologie. Pro studenty zdravotnických oborů. 2., doplněné a přepracované vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing , a.s., 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4771-2.
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