Course: Methodology of Teaching Chemistry for SS Teachers 1

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Course title Methodology of Teaching Chemistry for SS Teachers 1
Course code KCH/99D1
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course unspecified
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Klečka Milan, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Rychtera Jiří, Doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Differences in the concept of teaching at primary and secondary schools, general principles of curriculum analysis 2. Substances, mixtures, chemicals, mixtures heterogeneous and homogeneous, solutions 3. The construction of the atom, the concept of learning, the structure of the electron packaging 4. Periodic system, periodic law, history of periodic system development 5. Chemical bond, types of bonds, binding polarity, weak binding interactions 6. Chemical symbolism, binary compounds, nomenclature of oxides 7. Hydrogen, oxygen, water, water as a solvent 8. Solutions, composition of solutions, weight and volume fraction, molar concentration 9. Acids and bases, ionic product of water, pH value 10. Salts, salt formation, hydrogens, salt hydrates 11. Calculation tasks in chemistry, calculations of formulas and equations 12. Oxidation reduction processes, coefficient quantification, electrolysis, galvanic cells and accumulators, fuel cells 13. s-elements, p-elements, d and f - elements, general model of didactic transformation

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion, Students' portfolio, Individual study, Lecture with visual aids, Seminar
  • Contact hours - 8 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 50 hours per semester
control basic knowledge of human biology, in particular nervous system - conditional and unconditional reflexes and higher neural activity
demonstrate knowledge of professional articles, in particular general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry
do the source articles - pedagogy, psychology
control computer and the Internet
using the information on the Internet to find information
the active knowledge transfer to chemistry didactics
using content pedagogy and psychology and apply such knowledge in practice
apply knowledge of human biology to didactics
learning outcomes
to understand the functioning of the short, medium and long-term memory and use such knowledge for the specific issue of study and training in chemistry
apply knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and professional articles on chemistry didactics
describe and explain the relationship student and learning and set and the chemical aspect and on the lower level of secondary school
gifted pupils to apply individual access to the handicapped, choosing the right approach and to respect the basic principles of teaching
identify talented students and direct them to the chemical, the chemical and other options, their involvement
to assess whether more effective use for the topic, or group work
to apply the knowledge and recurrent training of teaching hours, respecting the knowledge in education, psychology and vocational subjects
create and present the type of training
choose the correct procedures for the implementation of the various stages of the class
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Individual study
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Skills demonstration during practicum
Individual presentation at a seminar
Continuous assessment
Recommended literature
  • Učebnice chemie pro gymnázia a SŠ.
  • Beneš, Pavel; Banýr, Jiří,; Pumpr, Václav; Lexová, Naděžda. Základy chemie pro 2. stupeň základní školy, nižší ročníky víceletých gymnázií a střední školy. Díl 1. 1. vyd. Praha : Fortuna, 1993. ISBN 80-7168-043-5.
  • Beneš, Pavel; Banýr, Jiří,; Pumpr, Václav. Základy chemie pro 2. stupeň základní školu, nižší ročníky víceletých gymnázií a střední školy. [Díl] 2. 1. vyd. Praha : Fortuna, 1995. ISBN 80-7168-205-5.
  • BÍLEK M. Výuka chemie s počítačem. VŠP Hradec Králové: Gaudeamus, 1997.
  • DUŠEK, B. Kapitoly z didaktiky chemie. VŠCHT, Praha, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7080-736-1.
  • Kašpar E., a kol. Didaktika fyziky - obec. otázky. SPN, 1978.
  • Los, Petr. Obecná didaktika chemie. Olomouc : Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého, 1981.
  • MAREŠ, S., ADAMCOVÁ, R., PACHLOVÁ, J. Pokusy a experimenty. 2014. ISBN 978-80-7496-101-4.
  • Pachmann, Eduard. Obecná didaktika chemie. Praha : Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1981.
  • PACHMANN, Eduard. Speciální didaktika chemie. SPN Praha, 1986.
  • PAUKOVÁ M. a kol. Didaktika chemie. SPN Praha, 1971.
  • PROKŠA M. a kol. Didaktika a technika školských pokusov z chémie. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2015. ISBN 978-80-223-3755-7.
  • STUCHLÍKOVÁ, I. JANÍK, T. et al. Oborové didaktiky: vývoj-stav-perspektivy. Brno, MU, 2015.
  • Vacík, Jiří. Přehled středoškolské chemie. 4. vyd., V SPN 2. vyd. Praha : SPN - pedagogické nakladatelství, 1999. ISBN 80-7235-108-7.
  • VALIŠOVÁ, A., KASÍKOVÁ, H. Pedagogika pro učitele. Praha: Grada, 2008.
  • ZORMANOVÁ, L. Obecná didaktika. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2014. ISBN 978-80-247-4590-9.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester