Course: Electrical Power Engineering 1

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Course title Electrical Power Engineering 1
Course code KEE/EE1
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Noháč Karel, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
  • Schejbal Konstantin, Doc. Ing. CSc.
  • Vykuka Roman, Ing.
  • Vajnar Vladimír, Ing.
  • Mužík Václav, Ing. Ph.D.
  • Hulec Martin, Ing.
  • Olkhovskiy Mikhail, Ing.
  • Vilímová Eva, Ing.
  • Mašata David, Ing.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Overview and history of electric energy production and distribution. Classic and alternative energy sources. Main personalities of Czech power engineering. Highlights of power engineering technological development. 2. Operation of power system in respect of zero point. Principle of compensate network and Petersen inductor 3. Electric distribution systems, their types according to topology and way of supply. Voltage levels used in Czech republic. Basic power engineering terms. Network load diagram and its parameters. 4. Electric parameters of overhead lines. Characteristic line impedance. Line resistance, its calculation and parameters affecting it. 5. Overhead line inductance: Principle of operation inductance derivation for alternating three phase lines. Line transposition, its purpose and operation inductance influence. Bundled conductor lines and earth-cable, their purpose and line parameters influence. Double line parameters. 6. Overhead line capacity: Principle of operation capacity and earth capacity derivation for alternating three phase lines. Operation capacity and dielectric loss of cables. Charging current and power of lines. Ferranti phenomenon. Natural transmitted line power. 7. Lines and networks in steady state. Used power parameters. Substitute elements "T" a "Pi", equations for active line parameters. Line voltage drop and power loss calculation for simple line, line with multiple loads and one side supply and line supplied from two sides. Complex HV networks solution 8. Basic physical principles of electric energy obtaining. Today and future structure of production technologies. Basic thermodynamic terms, actions, laws and cycles. Gas turbine cycle. 9. Clausius-Rankine cycle: Thermodynamic actions in water steam environment. P-V, T-s and i-s diagrams of C-R cycle. Steam power plant cycle thermal efficiency. Efficiency calculation based on steam i-s diagram. Combined steam-gas cycle. 10. Possibilities of stream cycle efficiency improving. Second steam overheating and regenerative feed water heating. Steam parameters change. Thermodynamic and total efficiency of steam power plant. 11. Basic features of transformers used in power engineering. Equation of ideal transformer. Transformer parameters. Non-load, loaded and short-circuit operation of transformer. Three phase transformer connections. Two transformer parallel operation. Three windings transformers. Transformer voltage drop calculation 12. Short-circuit conditions calculation. Disadvantageous short-circuit effects and short-circuit types. Short-circuit current time progress. Equivalent short-circuit currents. Short-circuit calculation method. 13. Heat power station technology. Technological diagram, power plant's boilers, steam turbines. Nuclear and water power plants production principles and technology. Water turbines types and efficiency. Alternative production technologies: Wind, solar and other power plants.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Practicum
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 42 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 52 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 10 hours per semester
Passing previous subjects, which allow to gain knowledge of: - basics of university mathematic - physical principles of electricity, magnetism (and its fields), mechanics and thermodynamics
learning outcomes
Students are capable to - specify highlights of power engineering technological development - explain operation of power system in respect of zero point - compare electric distribution systems according to topology and way of supply - analyze network load diagram and its parameters - specify electric parameters of overhead lines - explain meaning of characteristic line impedance, line resistance calculation and parameters affecting it - describe principle of operation inductance derivation for alternating three phase lines - substantiate use of line transposition, bundled conductor lines and earth-cable - describe principle of operation capacity and earth capacity derivation for alternating three phase lines - explain charging current and power of lines, Ferranti phenomenon and natural transmitted line power - build substitute elements "T" a "Pi" and put together equations for active line parameters - calculate line voltage drop and power loss calculation for simple line, line with multiple loads and one side supply and line supplied from two sides - understand basic physical principles of electric energy obtaining and basic thermodynamic terms, actions, laws and cycles - determine thermal efficiency of steam power plant cycle based on steam i-s diagram - specify possibilities of stream cycle efficiency improving including second steam overheating and regenerative feed water heating - estimate thermodynamic and total efficiency of steam power plant - put together equation of ideal transformer, connection of three phase and three windings transformers - define non-load, loaded and short-circuit operation of transformer - limit two transformer parallel operation - calculate transformer voltage drop - list disadvantageous short-circuit effects and short-circuit types - explain short-circuit current time progress, equivalent short-circuit currents and short-circuit calculation method - put together thermal power station technological diagram - describe power plant's boilers, steam turbines - separate specific of nuclear and water power plants production principles and technology - explain water turbines types and efficiency - list alternative production technologies of electrical energy
teaching methods
assessment methods
Combined exam
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Fejt, Zdeněk; Čermák, Jaroslav. Elektroenergetika. dot. Praha : ČVUT, 1983.
  • Schejbal, Konstantin; Mertlová, Jiřina. Elektroenergetika II. 1.část. 1. vyd. Plzeň : ZČU, 1998. ISBN 80-7082-451-4(1.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Study plan (Version): Commercial Electrical Engineering (16) Category: Electrical engineering, telecommunication and IT 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Summer