Course: Dielectric Elements and Systems

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Course title Dielectric Elements and Systems
Course code KET/DPS
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Mentlík Václav, Prof. Ing. CSc.
  • Polanský Radek, Prof. Ing. Ph.D.
  • Trnka Pavel, Prof. Ing. Ph.D., MBA
  • Hornak Jaroslav, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures: 1. Dielectric and insulating materials, dielectric systems of electrical machines, reliability and safety. 2. Interaction between materials and electrical field, polarization of dielectrics from macroscopic and microscopic point of view. 3. Internal field, polarization and its classification. 4. Deformation polarization, relaxation polarization, model of potential barrier, ionic and dipole relaxation polarization. 5. Migration polarization, space charge and its influence on dielectric behavior, mathematical description of inhomogeneous dielectric behavior, Maxwell-Wagner model of dielectrics. 6. Dielectrics in static electrical field. 7. Dielectrics in non-stationary electrical field, dielectric dispersion, Cole-Cole diagram. 8. Dielectric absorption, electrical conductivity of gas insulating materials. 9. Electrical conductivity of liquid insulating materials and its thermal dependence, Walden´s rule. 10. Electrical conductivity of solid insulating materials and its surface conductivity. 11. Dielectric losses in gas, liquid and solid insulating materials. 12. Specific dielectric strength of gas, liquid and solid insulating materials. 13. Classification of insulating materials and systems according to thermal endurance. Laboratories: 1. Conductors, components of dielectric systems (composite materials, slot insulations, Nomex, Röchling, Kapton?). 2. Demonstration of materials and material catalogues. 3. Insulating systems VPI and Resin-Rich. 4. Theoretical preparation of Cole-Cole diagram measurement. 5. Measurement of Cole-Cole diagram in frequency range from 50 Hz to 300 kHz on selected materials. 6. Measurement of Cole-Cole diagram in frequency range from 300 kHz to 30 MHz on selected materials. 7. Check and correction of seminar works, credit recognition.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture with practical applications, Laboratory work, Seminar classes, Self-study of literature
  • Contact hours - 39 hours per semester
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 13 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 40 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 40 hours per semester
explain the basics of theory of electrical engineering and theory of electrostatic field
assess dielectric properties of a material
apply skills in the field of electrical measurements
apply the knowledge of the basics of electrical engineering
recognize different dielectric phenomena
learning outcomes
describe principles of physical view of dielectrics and insulating materials behavior during its interaction with electrical field
describe changes in behavior of these key components of electrical machines during its interaction with operating conditions and also describe mutual relations between structure of insulation materials and influence of operating conditions
describe fundamental measuring methods for measurement of characteristic properties of electrical insulating materials
describe dielectric phenomena
describe the formation of charge carriers in dielectrics
analyze dielectric phenomena
analyze polarization phenomena
teaching methods
Self-study of literature
Interactive lecture
Seminar classes
Laboratory work
Seminar classes
Laboratory work
Interactive lecture
Seminar classes
assessment methods
Combined exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Seminar work
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Combined exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Artbauer, Ján; Adamec, Vladimír; Šedovič, Juraj. Izolanty a izolácie. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Alfa, 1969.
  • Fofana, I. Engineering Dielectric Liquid Applications. MDPI ? Basel&Beijing, 2018. ISBN 978-3-03897-402-4.
  • Mentlík, Václav. Dielektrické prvky a systémy. Praha : BEN - technická literatura, 2006. ISBN 80-7300-189-6.
  • Petr, J. Struktura a vlastnosti materiálů II, Izolanty. [skripta]. ČVUT Praha, 1989.
  • Poljak, F. Dielektriká a izolanty.. ALFA Bratislava, 1983.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Study plan (Version): Commercial Electrical Engineering (16) Category: Electrical engineering, telecommunication and IT 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Winter