Mistrová Eliška, MUDr. Ph.D.
Course content
Lectures 1. Planes and directions of the human body. Connective tissue - ligament, cartilage, bone. General bone structure. Growth and regeneration of bone tissue. 2. Skeleton of the upper limb. 3. Skeleton of the lower limb. 4. General arthrology. Limb joints. Connection on the pan, pan as a whole, pan dimensions. 5. Skeleton and connection of the chest. Spine - structure, connection, curvature. 6. Skull. 7. Muscle tissue. General myology. Overview of muscle groups. 8. Nervous system in general - breakdown, receptors, neuron and neuroglia cells, membrane electrogenesis, synapses, neurotransmitters, internal CNS environment (blood-encephalic barrier, cerebrospinal fluid - production, circulation and function). 9. Spinal cord - gray and white matter of the spinal cord, spinal segment, formation of the spinal nerve, spinal nerves and their branching. Reflex. Autonomic nervous system. 10. Cranial nerves. 11. Brain - structure, function. Cerebral and spinal cord enclosures and spaces. 12. Motor system, physiology of movement control. 13. Leather. Cutaneous, deep and visceral sensation. Pain. 14. Eyeball (structure of the wall, content), accessory organs of the eye, physiology of vision. 15. Anatomy and physiology of hearing and balance, smell and taste.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Contact hours
- 45 hours per semester
- Preparation for an examination (30-60)
- 30 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
specific knowledge prerequisites are not required |
Skills |
specific skill prerequisites are not required |
Competences |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
characterizes individual types of connective tissue |
distinguishes between compact and cancellous bone |
explains the principle of ossification, growth and regeneration of bone tissue |
defines the contact surfaces of the limb joints |
characterizes the structure and connections on the chest, spine and skull |
explains the structure and function of muscle and nerve tissue |
divides the nervous system into PNS and CNS, defines their parts and characterizes functions |
Skills |
identifies the individual bones of the human skeleton using Latin terminology |
recognizes individual parts of the nervous system and assigns them a physiological function |
Competences |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Multimedia supported teaching |
Lecture |
Skills |
Multimedia supported teaching |
Competences |
Lecture |
Multimedia supported teaching |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Oral exam |
Skills |
Continuous assessment |
Competences |
Oral exam |
Recommended literature
NAŇKA, O., ELIŠKOVÁ, M. Přehled anatomie. Třetí, doplněné a přepracované vydání.. Praha : Galén, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7492-206-0.
ROKYTA, R. a kol. Fyziologie. 3.přeprac.vydání.. Praha : Galén, 2016. ISBN 978-80-7492-238-1.
ŠVÍGLEROVÁ, Jitka. Fyziologie smyslů..