Course: Physiotherapy Practice

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Course title Physiotherapy Practice
Course code KFE/CF
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 0
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Kott Otto, MUDr. CSc.
Course content
Course content:: 1. Diagnoses related to abdominal and thoracic surgery - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record 2. Diagnoses related to traumatology of upper and lower limbs and the spine - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record 3. Diagnoses related to neurology - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record 4. Diagnoses related to orthopaedics - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record 5. Diagnoses related to internal medicine - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record 6. Diagnoses related to gynaecology and obstetrics - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record 7. Diagnoses related to rheumatology - taking medical history - targeted physiotherapeutic examination - short- and long-term rehabilitation plans - choice of methodology - presentation of chosen procedure - final recommendations - written examination record

Learning activities and teaching methods
Skills demonstration
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 168 hours per semester
Well done credits and exams of a particular study programme.
learning outcomes
Competences: After completing the course students are able to examine and treat the patient in all indications. They use a variety of aids and in practice apply the methods they have been acquainted with so far.
teaching methods
Skills demonstration
assessment methods
Oral exam
Practical exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • Bobathová, B. Bobathův koncept u dospělých. Liečreh, Bratislava, 2000.
  • Bobathová. Metodika v rehabilitaci - Hemipléga dospělých. Liečreh Gúth Bratislava, 1997.
  • Gúth, Anton; Merceková, Lucia; Martináková, Alžbeta. Výchovná rehabilitácia, alebo, Ako pošleme chrbticu do školy : odborná publikácia určená pre laickú verejnosť. Bratislava : Liečreh, 1996. ISBN 80-967383-2-1.
  • Gúth, Anton. Vyšetrovacie metodiky v rehabilitácii pre fyzioterapeutov : učebnica určená pre fyzioterapeutov, rehabilitačných pracovníkov, rehabilitačných asistentov a iných študujúcich v oblasti rehabilitácie. Bratislava : Liečreh Gúth, 2004. ISBN 80-88932-13-0.
  • Gúth,A.a kol. Propedeutika rehabilitácii. Liečreh Bratislava, 1994.
  • Hromádková, Jana. Fyzioterapie. Vyd. 1. Jinočany : H & H, 1999. ISBN 80-86022-45-5.
  • ChaloupkaR. a kol. Vybrané kapitoly z LTV v ortopedii a traumatologii. IDVPZ Brno, 2001.
  • Janda, V. Funkční svalový test. Grada s.r.o. Praha, 1996.
  • Janda, V. Základy kliniky funkčních neparetických hybných poruch. IDVPZ Brno, 1982.
  • Janda, Vladimír; Pavlů, Dagmar. Goniometrie. 1. vyd. Brno : Institut pro další vzdělávání pracovníků ve zdravotnictví, 1993. ISBN 80-7013-160-8.
  • Kolektiv autorů. Rehabilitace po cévní mozkové příhodě. GRADA, 2004.
  • Pavlů, Dagmar. Cvičení s Thera-Bandem : se zřetelem ke konceptu dle Brüggera. Brno : CERM, 2004. ISBN 80-7204-334-X.
  • Strusková, Olga; Novotná, Jarmila. Metoda Ludmily Mojžíšové : cesta k přirozenému otěhotnění. Vyd. 1. Praha : Ivo Železný, 2003. ISBN 80-237-3771-6.
  • Trojan, Stanislav. Fyziologie a léčebná rehabilitace motoriky člověka. 3., přeprac. a dopl. vyd. Praha : Grada, 2005. ISBN 80-247-1296-2.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester