Svěcená Kateřina, Mgr. Ph.D.
Vrbská Veronika, MSc.
Course content
Lectures 1.Introduction to the problematics of work rehabilitation: the importance of working for someone, indications for working rehabilitation - diagnoses, age groups, multidisciplinary collaboration, work rehabilitation procedure. 2. Ergodiagnostics from the perspective of the ergotherapist. 3. Ergodiagnostics from the perspective of ergotherapist, Model Of Human Occupation. 4. Professiography, its significance for ergotherapy. Model activities, examples of model evaluation activities. 5. Supported employment: Development, definitions, target users group, the process of supported employment, the current situation in Czech Republic. 6. Supported employment: Personal profile of user of the supported employment, individual plans and case studies, the multidisciplinary team and the role of ergotherapy in supported employment. 7. Ergodiagnostics in Czech Republic - legislation. 8. Ergodiagnostics position within the system of comprehensive rehabilitation. 9. Options of work rehabilitation. 10. Excursion in Kačaba. 11. Pre-operational evaluation skills by Jacobs. 12. School of back in ergotherapy, ergonomics, work on the PC. Tutorials: 1. Ergo-diagnostics tests in practice from the perspective of ergotherapy 1. 2. Ergo-diagnostics tests in practice from the perspective of ergotherapy 2. 3. School of back in the practice from the ergotherapeutic perspective. 4. Ergonomics in terms of eergotherapy. 5. Building of professioniogram in practice 1. 6. Building of professioniogram in practice 2. 7. Building of professioniogram in practice 3. 8. Model activity 1. 9. Model activity 2. 10. Model activity 3. 11. Ergodiagnostic record evaluation in practice 1. 12. Ergodiagnostic record evaluation in practice 2.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Contact hours
- 36 hours per semester
- Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40)
- 20 hours per semester
- Preparation for an examination (30-60)
- 30 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
to describe the fundamental philosophy of the theory of ergotherapy |
Skills |
to include ergotherapy in the context of comprehensive rehabilitation |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
ergodiagnostics and work rehabilitation to characterize |
Skills |
to test using ergodiagnostic batteries |
to examine in the model situations |
to record ergodiagnostic examination |
to build professioniogram |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Lecture |
Skills |
Practicum |
Skills demonstration |
Competences |
Lecture |
Practicum |
Skills demonstration |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Test |
Skills |
Seminar work |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Competences |
Test |
Seminar work |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Recommended literature
Gilbertová, Sylva; Matoušek, Oldřich. Ergonomie : optimalizace lidské činnosti. Praha : Grada, 2002. ISBN 80-247-0226-6.
Gúth, Anton. Výchovná rehabilitace, aneb, Jak vyučovat školu páteře : odborná publikace určená pro odbornou i laickou veřejnost. Praha : X-Egem, 2000. ISBN 80-7199-039-6.
Hladký, Aleš; Židková, Zdeňka. Metody hodnocení psychosociální pracovní zátěže : metodická příručka. 1. vyd. Praha : Karolinum, 1999. ISBN 80-7184-890-5.
Klusoňová, Eva. Ergoterapie v praxi. Vyd. 1. Brno : Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2011. ISBN 978-80-7013-535-8.
Krivošíková, Mária. Úvod do ergoterapie. 1. vyd. Praha : Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-2699-1.