Course: Introduction to English Philosophical Terminology

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Course title Introduction to English Philosophical Terminology
Course code KFI/FTAFB
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminar
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Paitlová Jitka, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Schuster Radek, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Jirák Petr, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Work with selected authentic texts and secondary literature concerning outstanding periods of English philosophy - especially modern epistemology and analytic philosophy. Texts will be published at the beginning of the semester on the website of Courseware. A library lesson in the foreign department of SVK will be part of the course.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Skills demonstration, Seminar classes, Students' self-study, Textual studies, Lecture
  • Contact hours - 52 hours per semester
  • Preparation for formative assessments (2-20) - 20 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 24 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 10 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 50 hours per semester
to characterize the basic grammar rules of one foreign language, preferably English (passive knowledge as minimum)
to explain basic technical terms of the studied field (in Czech)
to critically work with resources (source and secondary texts)
to use modern technologies, especially information databases
to identify the problem (thesis) and reproduce the argument contained in the given text
learning outcomes
to explain the basic concepts of English philosophical terminology
to characterize the specifics of English philosophical terminology
to search for the passage quoted in the English philosophical text and to verify its formal and factual correctness
to find and verify specific factual knowledge in English secondary literature
to find the appropriate terminology for the Czech translation in the original English philosophical text and verify the adequacy and consistency of its translation
teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Textual studies
Seminar classes
Skills demonstration
Textual studies
Skills demonstration
assessment methods
Combined exam
Individual presentation at a seminar
Combined exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Combined exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • Aktuální seminární texty budou. zveřejněny před zahájením výuky v Coursewaru..
  • Audi, Robert. The Cambridge dictionary of philosophy. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN 0-521-63722-8.
  • BLACKBURN, S. The Oxford dictionary of philosophy. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
  • Bunnin, Nicholas; Tsui-James, E. P. The Blackwell companion to philosophy. 1st ed. Oxford : Blackwell, 1996. ISBN 0-631-18789-8.
  • Honderich, Ted. The Oxford companion to philosophy. 2nd ed. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 0-19-926479-1.
  • Christensen, Kit Richard. Philosophy and choice : selected readings from around the world. Mountain View : Mayfield Publishing Company, 1999. ISBN 1-55934-964-6.
  • Lycan, William G. Philosophy of language: a contemporary introduction. New York. ISBN 978-0-415-95752-6.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Philosophy (18-5) Category: Philosophy, theology 1 Recommended year of study:1, Recommended semester: Winter
Faculty: Faculty of Arts Study plan (Version): Philosophy (18-5) Category: Philosophy, theology 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter