Course: Philosophy of Science

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Course title Philosophy of Science
Course code KFI/FVHB
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminar
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Havlík Vladimír, Doc. PhDr. CSc.
Course content
These topics will be focused: The myth, philosophy, science, philosophy of science. Renaissance and the origin of Modern Ages science. The relationship between philosophy, epistemology and methodology of science. Paradigm of classical science (Newton, Descartes). Disagreement of empirism and rationalism. Formalization of philosophy of science. Tradition of inductivism and empirism. B. Russel and Cambridge school, Bayesianism. Logical positivism and logical empirism. Problem of demarcation and problem of observation. Falsification and hypothetical-deductive method (K. Popper). Conventionalism (E. Mach, H. Poincare and P. Duhem). Constructional philosophy of science (H. Margenau). Operationalism (P. Bridgeman, A. Rapoport, B. F. Skinner). Methodology of scientific researching programs (I. Lakatos). Scientific revolution and paradigm (T. S. Kuhn). Methodological anarchism in science (P. K. Feyerabend).

Learning activities and teaching methods
Seminar classes, Lecture
  • Contact hours - 52 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 38 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 40 hours per semester
to introduce basic characters and themes of classical epistemology
to use the philosophical terminology of classical epistemology with understanding
to identify the problem (thesis) and reproduce the argumentation contained in the text
to use modern technologies, especially information databases
learning outcomes
to introduce basic figures and themes of 20th century science philosophy
to characterize the most important philosophical interpretations of science and explain their context
to summarize selected important philosophical writings of the 20th century philosophy of science
to analyze the source philosophical texts of the philosophy of science of the 20th century
to interpret selected passages of key texts of philosophy of 20th century science
to follow the arguments of particular authors or selected texts of the philosophy of science of the 20th century
to argue and discuss a specific topic of 20th century science philosophy
teaching methods
Textual studies
Self-study of literature
Skills demonstration
Seminar classes
Individual study
Students' portfolio
Textual studies
Skills demonstration
Individual study
assessment methods
Combined exam
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Individual presentation at a seminar
Combined exam
Skills demonstration during practicum
Individual presentation at a seminar
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Carnap, Rudolf. Problémy jazyka vědy. Praha : Svoboda, 1968.
  • Fajkus, Břetislav. Filosofie a metodologie vědy : vývoj, současnost a perspektivy. Vyd. 1. Praha : Academia, 2005. ISBN 80-200-1304-0.
  • Feyerabend, Paul. Rozprava proti metodě. Vyd. 1. Praha : Aurora, 2001. ISBN 80-7299-047-0.
  • Godfrey-Smith, Peter. Theory and reality : an introduction to the philosophy of science. 2003. ISBN 0-226-30063-3.
  • Hempel, C. G. Filosofie přírodních věd. Červený Kostelec : Pavel Mervart, 2015.
  • Kuhn, Thomas S. Struktura vědeckých revolucí. Praha : Oikoymenh, 1997. ISBN 80-86005-54-2.
  • Popper, Karl Raimund. Logika vědeckého zkoumání. 1. vyd. Praha : Oikoymenh, 1997. ISBN 80-86005-45-3.
  • Russell, Bertrand. Logika, věda, filozofie a společnost. 1. vyd. Praha : Svoboda-Libertas, 1993. ISBN 80-205-0219-X.
  • Toulmin, S. The Philosophy of Science: An Introduction.. New York : Hutchinson's University Library, 1953.
  • Zámečník, L. H. Nástin filosofie vědy: empirické základy vědy v analytické tradici. Brno : Host, 2015.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester