Course: Culture of Social Communication

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Course title Culture of Social Communication
Course code KFI/KSK
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 2
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory-optional, Optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Wagnerová Lada, PhDr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. Character of social communication. First impression. 2. The speech of the body. Ilustrators, regulators, adaptators and symbols. 3. Manifestations of ability, temperament and character qualities in communication. Mistakes in assessing of myself and of the others. 4. The persuases of tactful discussion. Effective request, conviction and criticism. 5. Assertion of myself. Agresive and assertive communication. Protection against agression. Basic assertive technics. 6. Etiquette as social phenomen. The law of social significance. 7. The risks in communication in common situations 1: greeting, handshake, impersonation. 8. The risks in communication in common situations 2: addressing, tituling. 9. The risks in communication in common situations 3: the letters, e-mail communication, telephoning, visiting cards 10. Professional calls 1: preparation of the program, etiquette of duscusion in the work. 11. Proffesional calls 2: etiquette of working lunch or dinner and the forms of behavior. 12. Basic persuasions of modern rhetoric. Preparation of the content and form of the speech. 13. The recital of the speech. Stagefright, the methods of its overcomming. Effective lingual and non-lingual resources.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Textual studies, Lecture
  • Contact hours - 26 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 26 hours per semester
Course requires no special prior knowledge.
Course requires no special prior skills.
learning outcomes
Students will be able to summarize and explain basic problems connected with social communication. Students will compare their and others ability, temperament and chracter qualities in communication. They will evaluate some methods of communication and its effect. They will explore the methods, risks and effects of communication in some life situations. The persuasions of modern rhetoric, recital of spoken word and also of effective lingual and non-lingual recources will be presented to the students.
základní orientace při společenské konverzaci a schopnost správně navrhnout sebeprezentující materiály.
teaching methods
Textual studies
assessment methods
Recommended literature
  • Gretz, Karl F. Psychologie prodeje. 1. vydání. Praha : Victoria Publishing, 1992. ISBN 80-85605-03-1.
  • Honey, Peter. Tváří v tvář : průvodce úspěšnou komunikací. Vyd. 1. Praha : Grada, 1997. ISBN 80-7169-445-2.
  • Kohout, Jaroslav. Rétorika : umění mluvit a jednat s lidmi. 1. vyd. Praha : Management Press, 1995. ISBN 80-85603-92-6.
  • Medzihorský, Štefan. Asertivita. 1. vyd. Praha : Elfa, 1991. ISBN 80-900197-1-4.
  • Němec, Petr. Public relations : zásady komunikace s veřejností. 1. vydání. Praha : Management Press, 1993. ISBN 80-85603-26-8.
  • Podgórecki, Józef. Jak se lépe dorozumíme. Vyd. 1. Ostrava : Amosium servis, 1999. ISBN 80-85498-36-7.
  • Smejkal, Vladimír; Bachrachová, Hana. Lexikon společenského chování. 3., zcela přeprac. vyd. Praha : Grada, 2002. ISBN 80-247-0209-6.
  • Špaček, Ladislav. Velká kniha etikety. Vyd. 1. Praha : Mladá fronta, 2005. ISBN 80-204-1333-2.
  • Šroněk, Ivan. Etiketa v obchodě a podnikání. 1. vydání. Praha : Management Press, 1992. ISBN 80-85603-08-X.
  • Thiel, Erhard. Řeč lidského těla prozradí víc než tisíc slov. 1. vyd. Bratislava : Plasma service, 1993. ISBN 80-901412-1-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Electrical Engineering Study plan (Version): Commercial Electrical Engineering (16) Category: Electrical engineering, telecommunication and IT 2 Recommended year of study:2, Recommended semester: Winter