Hečková Petra, Mgr. Ph.D.
Gołębiowska - Tobiasz Aneta Marta, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
LECTURES: 1. Genius loci (Ch. Norberg ? Chulz). 2. Sacral and profane: Sacral time and space in the archaic cultures (M. Eliade). 3. Judaism: the tabernacle, the Jerusalem Temple, synagogue. 4. The origin of the classical orders of architecture. The ancient sacred space: The Acropolis of Athens, Apollonius`s sacred district in Delphi, The Pantheon ? Rome. 5. Early-Christian basilicas ? Rome of the Constantine the Great, Hagia Sophia ? Constantinople. Ravenna. 6. Monks`s culture of life. Monastery. 7. Romanic sacred space ? thological and social context, the addition principle, sacred builinding styles and detail. Pisa. 8. Gothic spatial concept ? thological origins, art expression, structural and dispositional innovations: Saint Denis. 9. Gothic cathedral development (Laon, Notre Dame, Chartres, Saint ? Chappelle). Region variations. 10. Prague and Charles IV: the conception of Prague ? The New Town, St. Vitus Cathedral. Karlstejn. 11. Medicant orders ? reflection of the new spirituality in architecture. 12. Renaissance Florencia - man`s living attitude transformation: new space, central buildings. 13. Renaissance: the new canon of longitudinal buildings: Il Gesú. SEMINARS: A half of the lessons will be dedicated to the excursions to the current sacral architectures in Pilsen, then one day-long excursion to Prague focused on the main sacral buildings in the Czech republic will be realized.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Seminar, Field trip
- Contact hours
- 65 hours per semester
- Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40)
- 35 hours per semester
- Preparation for an examination (30-60)
- 30 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
Course requires no special prior knowledge and skills. |
learning outcomes |
Students will experience genius loci of selected locations. They will understand the difference between the profane and the sacred dimension. They will explain the theological instignations of selected builidings and describe the periodic-style features expressing the sacral determination of the building. |
teaching methods |
Lecture |
Seminar |
Field trip |
assessment methods |
Combined exam |
Seminar work |
Recommended literature
Světové dějiny umění : malířství, sochařství, architektura, užité umění. Praha : Ottovo nakladatelství, 2004. ISBN 80-7181-936-0.
Eliade, Mircea. Dějiny náboženského myšlení I : od doby kamenné po eleusinská mystéria. Praha : ISE, 1995.
Eliade, Mircea. Dějiny náboženského myšlení II : Od Gautamy Buddhy k triumfu křesťanství. Praha : Oikoymenh, 1996. ISBN 80-86005-19-4.
Eliade, Mircea. Posvátné a profánní. 1. vyd. Praha : Oikoymenh, 2006. ISBN 80-7298-175-7.
Kalina, Pavel. Dějiny středověké architektury. Praha : Česká technika - nakladatelství ČVUT, 2006. ISBN 80-01-03132-2.
Lorenc, Vilém. Nové Město pražské. SNTL, 1973.
Miklík, Josef. Biblická archeologie : Se 151 obrazy a plánem Jerusalema. V Obořišti : Theologický ústav C. Ss. R, 1936.
Newman, Ja'akov; Sivan, Gavri'el; Nosek, Bedřich; Ziss, Daniel; Pavlát, Leo. Judaismus od A do Z : slovník pojmů a termínů. Praha : Sefer, 1992. ISBN 80-900895-3-4.
Norberg - Schulz, Christian. Genius loci. Odeon, 1993.
Ohler, Norbert. Katedrála : náboženství, politika, architektura, dějiny. Vyd. 1. Jinočany : H & H, 2006. ISBN 80-7319-040-0.
Reaburn, Michael. Dějiny architektury. Praha : Odeon, 1993. ISBN 80-207-0185-0.
Suger. Spisy o Saint-Denis. 1. vyd. Praha : OIKOYMENH, 2006. ISBN 80-7298-155-2.