Course: Art in Cultural Context 1

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Course title Art in Cultural Context 1
Course code KFI/UK1HN
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Seminar
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Boháček Kryštof, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Hečková Petra, Mgr. Ph.D.
  • Kočandrle Radim, Doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Ševčík Miloš, Doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
  • Fischerová Sylva
Course content
The following topics will be focused: basic terminology of classical studies incuding functional knowledge of selected quotations in old greek and latin language; orientation in the fundamental temple/theater architecture and in ceramic; orientation in a problematics of the book of K. Kerényi Mathology of Ancient Greeks I. or L. Pearson's Popular Ethics in Ancient Greece.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion, Textual studies, Seminar
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 14 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 52 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 50 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 40 hours per semester
to outline epochs of European culture history
to introduce basic terminology of artistic styles and classification of works of art on non-specialist level
to name the amin characters of the history of European art
to include a specific work in the relevant historical period and artistic style
to evaluate a specific work of art in a contemporary context
learning outcomes
Students will learn to use the source literature of classical culture and will be able to relate each facts of cultural history of the ancient Greece period. This ability helps them in study of the texts of ancient philosophy for better understandig it.
to describe the history of understanding of what art in antiquity
to characterize particular theories of art
to explain the relations of these theories to the intellectual, social and cultural context of the period
to analyse and compare theories of art on the basis of lecture of primary and secondary literature
to formulate presuppositions and consequences of various opinions on art and theories of art, which emerged in the period
to evaluate the meaning of these opinions and theories in the context of the European culture
teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Textual studies
Self-study of literature
Individual study
Students' portfolio
Textual studies
Self-study of literature
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Combined exam
Oral exam
Seminar work
Seminar work
Individual presentation at a seminar
Combined exam
Seminar work
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • Paulys Realencyklopädie der Classischen Altertumswischenschaft.
  • Bartoněk, Antonín. Zlatá Egeis. Praha, 1969.
  • Finley, J. Pindar and Aeschylus. Cambridge, 1955.
  • Grant, Michael. Klasické Řecko. 1. vyd. v českém jazyce. [Praha] : BB art, 1999. ISBN 80-7257-079-X.
  • Graves, Robert. Řecké mýty. [Díl] II. Praha : Odeon, 1982.
  • Graves, Robert. Řecké mýty. [Díl] I. Praha : Odeon, 1982.
  • Kerényi, Karl. Mytologie Řeků II..
  • Kerényi, Karl. Mytologie Řeků I.. Praha, 1998.
  • Rezek, Petr (ed.). Mýtus, Epos a Logos. Praha, 1991.
  • Rohde, Erwin. Psyche, J. C. B. Mohr. Tübingen, 1925.
  • Schadewald, W. Ursprung und frühe Entwicklung der antischen Tragödie. In: Wege der Forschung (Wege zu Aischylos I., hrsg. H. Homel). Darmstadt, 1974.
  • Vernant, Jean-Pierre. Počátky řeckého myšlení. 1. vyd. Praha : Oikoymenh, 1993. ISBN 80-85241-45-5.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester