Course: Thesis tutorial

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Course title Thesis tutorial
Course code KFL/DIPBA
Organizational form of instruction no contact
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 0
Language of instruction German
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Königsmarková Andrea, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
Commisional defense of diploma thesis. A part of State exam.

Learning activities and teaching methods
to characterize in detail principles of work with sources
to describe in detail the principles of working with secondary literature
to describe approaches, procedures and methods of philological (ie. social-) own research experience in cooperation with the head of his thesis
to describe in detail the scientific functional style and accurately to identify its features in Czech and German
to orientate in the terminology, secondary literature and sources of the area from which the student chooses the subject of work
to apply the principles of working with sources in their own research
to apply the principles of working with secondary literature and sources in own research
to apply the principles of work with secondary literature and sources in the creation of their own professional text
to analyze and critically access to the sources in the research and in the creating of their own expert text
to master professional German in the chosen topic at the level C1 / 2
learning outcomes
to characterize in detail principles of work with sources and critically evaluate them
to describe in detail the principles of working with secondary literature in connection with the creation of their own scientific text
to describe approaches, procedures and methods of philological (ie. social-) own research experience on one's own
to describe in detail and knowledgeably the scientific functional style and accurately to identify its features in Czech and German in the context of creation of own scientifics texts
to clarify the terms, to name the secondary literature and the sources of the diploma thesis
to create a German scientific text in the chosen subject at the C1 / 2 level
to apply indipendently the principles of working with secondary literature and resources in their own research independently, to apply creative approach and critical thinking
to apply the principles of working with secondary literature, resources and sources in the creation of their own professional text uniformly, indipendently, conceptually
to apply creatively and independently the principles of working with sources in their own research
to present the diploma thesis to the expert committee
teaching methods
Individual study
assessment methods
Bachelor's thesis assessment
Bachelor's thesis assessment
Bachelor's thesis assessment
Recommended literature
  • Literatura se řídí individuálními pokyny v rámci předmětů DS1BA a DS2BA..
  • EGER, L. Metodická příručka k vypracování bakalářské a diplomové práce. Plzeň : FEK ZČU, 2010.
  • LIŠKA, V. Diplomová práce, zpracování a obhajoba. Praha, 2003.
  • Pokorný, J. Diplomová práce - příležitost k seberealizaci. Brno, AN CERN s.r.o, 1994.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester