Course: Studio 10

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Course title Studio 10
Course code KGI/GD10
Organizational form of instruction Seminar
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 11
Language of instruction Czech, English
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
Course availability The course is available to visiting students
  • Jiřičková Ditta, Doc. akademický malíř
Course content
Weeks 1 - 13 Establishing principles for mutual communication. Assignment of topics for semester project. - Ongoing studies and practical verification of the specifics of visual systems formation. - Mutual consultation of proposed solutions. - Continuous study of possibilities and methods of teamwork on the project. - Practical teamwork exercises. - Continuous production and consultation about semester project. - Continuous production of seminar papers and consultations.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Project-based instruction, Instruction based on dialogue, Multimedia supported teaching, Students' portfolio, One-to-One tutorial, Skills demonstration, Task-based study method, Individual study, Seminar
  • Contact hours - 130 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 50 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 40 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 30 hours per semester
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 35 hours per semester
to recall knowledge about a wider range of advanced graphic assets, about their possible reciprocal compositional relationships and their usage in creating digital and printed materials, to use knowledge about graphical tools suitable for graphic design in its traditional and digital form, designing variants with a respect to correctly linking the function and aesthetic criteria of the product, of designing variants with a view to correctly linking the function and aesthetics of the product, to evaluate and analyze different factors related to the design of more complex product, to reproduce knowledge about technological procedures of different supporting and technical disciplines, of possibilities of cooperation with particular disciplines, to reproduce theoretical knowledge of function and specifics of PC softwares fo graphic designing and artistic and production technologies, to use the suitable ways of mechanism of communication with the client to determine his/her requirements, to interpret own knowlidge about historical and contemporary style canons and their possible conections, to plan a project in the production team dealing with complex tasks, about ways to justify and defend your own design activity in relation to other members of the production team,
designing prints and electronic media on a given topic to use a wider range of basic graphics, to be able to combine and alter them aimong to own distinctive style and expression, to practically use PC softwares for graphical designing and advanced printing and artistic manufacturing technologies, to propose surface stylization of visually processed topics and their integration into a graphically effective composition related to own wide united graphic style, to make this style corresponding with enviroment, where should be the graphic style functional, to choose the appropriate technology for producing the final product based on its usage, to elaborate technical documentation of manufacturing, to reflect its work in the context of professional, technical and technological processes, to submit his proposal and selection to the contracting authority and justify it in the respect to the task and his/her requirements, to critically assess his/her own work in the field context and style framework, to select the most suitable variant of the final graphic project and create complex design documentation, to choose appropriate forms of presentation and promotion of graphic design, with erudition, to present his work to the professional community, to be able to accept and assert in a way the evaluation and critical response, to take part in time and work management of a team consisting of professionals of different disciplines on developing a technicaly and functionally complex product, , to explain and defend his/her choice from other members of the production team, to be able to accept and assert in a way the evaluation and critical response, to individually choose a sphere of interest and problematics, which he/ she will deal with and graphically solve,
learning outcomes
about aesthetical, visual, functional and other aspects related to creation of effective visual style (for companies, cultural institutions, offices, schools, etc.) or orientation system of long- and short term character (buildings, historical places, towns and their parts, spot and cultural events, etc.) about planning a comple and echnically difficult project of united visual style for specific customer, about time and work management related to given deadlines, about the possibilities and limits of involvement in interdisciplinary cooperation on graphic design projects in more difficult complexes, about a wider range of advanced graphic assets, about their possible reciprocal compositional relationships and their usage in conventional and experimental way, about ways of finding out the effectivity of own work, about evaluating criteria based on professional community and general society,
to individually plan and systematically realise more difficult authors graphical project of united visual style for specific place of own will on a level of aesthetics and art, function and technics, to critically assess his/her own work in the field context and style framework, to work with several varied alternatives and variations, to choose most suitable design based on specific requirements of each project, to select the most suitable variant of the final graphic project and create complex design documentation, choose the appropriate technology for producing the final product, to make effort to find various solutions to given problem, to maintain originality of own design and to own advancement aiming to distinctie artistic and graphic expression, to be able to accept and assert in a way the evaluation and critical response, to reflect own work in the context of professional, technical and technological processes, to assume the result of evaluation of professional and general society, to have an overview and to show interest in project, real and potencional, in a field of student work, to search for suitable opportunities and to take part in competitions, to recall the appropriate forms of presentation and promotion of the prototype/project based on the type of customer or viewer,
teaching methods
Students' portfolio
One-to-One tutorial
Seminar classes
Skills demonstration
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Seminar work
Continuous assessment
Skills demonstration during practicum
Practical exam
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Design trend : revue nového vizuálního stylu. Brno : Design centrum České republiky, 1992.
  • Font : reklamní grafika a DTP : první grafický časopi.
  • Grapheion : Evropská revue o moderní grafice, umění knihy, tisku a papíru. Praha : Středoevropská galérie a nakladatelství, 1997.
  • Graphis : the International Magazine of Design and Communications. New York : Graphis Inc., ----.
  • Novum : world of graphic design. München : Stiebner Verlag GmbH, 1972.
  • Typo : typografie, grafický design, vizuální komunikace : typography, graphic design, visual communication. Praha : Svět tisku, 2003.
  • Typografia : odborný časopis českých typografů @ typografů. Praha : Kolegium Typografie, 1888.
  • Caduff, Reto,; Heller, Steven. Ladislav Sutnar: Visual Design in Action. 2015. ISBN 978-3-03778-424-2.
  • Dabner, David. Grafický design v praxi : [zásady, postupy, projekty]. [Praha] : Slovart, 2004. ISBN 80-7209-597-8.
  • Fiell, Charlotte; Fiell, Peter. Contemporary graphic design. Hong Kong: Taschen, 2007. ISBN 978-3-8228-5269-9.
  • Fiell, Charlotte; Fiell, Peter. Graphic Design Now. Taschen 2001.
  • Heller, Steven. Icons of Graphic Design. Thames and Hudson, 2001.
  • Heller, Steven. Paul Rand. London : Phaidon Press, 1999. ISBN 0-7148-3994-9.
  • Hollis, Richard. Graphic Design, Concise History, Thames + Hudson 2001.
  • Meggs, Philip B. A history of graphic design. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1998. ISBN 0-471-29198-6.
  • Odborné časopisy. Deleatur.
  • White, Alexander. Elements of Graphic Design. Allworth Press 2002, ISBN 1-58115-250-7.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester