Course: Book Binding

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Course title Book Binding
Course code KGI/KOKV
Organizational form of instruction Seminar
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter and summer
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kocmanová Renáta, MgA. Mgr.
  • Majerová Eva, MgA.
Course content
1. Opening lesson, bookbinding concepts, technology and history of the field 2. Working paper - starch, alcohol, oil 3. Working paper - handmade paper 4. - 5. Hanging weave - sewing and finish the book block 6. - 7. Covering half-cloth boards of two pieces 8. Hanging the book block into slabs 9. - 10. Pop-up 11. - 13. Author's book Students develop their skill in implementing technological linkages comic books and workbooks created in a special studio. The assumption is closer co-head of a special studio with a teacher of bookbinding before the beginning of the semester in his course. Practical Book Binding object outputs are presented, along with other works of special studio.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Students' portfolio, One-to-One tutorial, Individual study, Students' self-study, Lecture with visual aids, Seminar
  • Contact hours - 39 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 40 hours per semester
to recognize most basic material used in bookbinding and their common shaping and characteristics, to recall procedures modeling basic shapes specific forms, to compare the results achieved on the given field of creation (both own and foreign), to bring together basic knowledge of supporting arts disciplines,
to apply knowledge of most basic equipment used for work with paper, to apply most basic methods of working with paper and its shaping, to show own creativity on generally assigned task, to show the will to find different artistic solutions, alter them and constructivelly evaluate, to show ability of basic aesthetic evaluation related with cover design and to own discipline,
learning outcomes
of technical terminology of bookbinding and working with paper and other packaging materials included in historical styles of bookbinding, of basic historical and present methods and workflows of work with paper and other materials and of their advantages and specifics of basic aesthetic and functional criteria for different types of bookbinding, of common use of products of bookbinding and cover design for comics,
to distinguishing specific features of historical styles in the field of bookbinding, to be familiar with basic terminology of bookbinding, with basic materials (paper, paper pulp) to create own sketchbook (hanged bind with straight spine) and pop-up picture book, to have experimental and innovative approach to task for realizing own authors book, to characterize and work with basic variants of book binding in relation with comics,
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Individual study
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Continuous assessment
Skills demonstration during practicum
Seminar work
Individual presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • On-line katalogy knihoven ( knihařství, výtvarné umění ), knihy o dějinách výtvarného umění ( monografie, encyklopedie ), katalogy, odborné časopisy.
  • Hamanová, Pavlína. Z dějin knižní vazby : Od nejstarších dob do konce XIX. stol.. Praha : Orbis, 1959.
  • Král, Jindřich. Moderní knihařství : souborné zpracování poznatků oboru. 1. vyd. Brno : Knihař, 1999. ISBN 80-901924-8-3.
  • Tobolka, Zdeněk. Kniha : Její vznik, vývoj a rozbor. Praha : Orbis, 1949.
  • Vakrčka, Alois. Knihařství : technologie ruční vazby pro obor knihař, knihařka. 2. vyd. Praha : SNTL, 1969.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester