Course: Piano Playing 3

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Course title Piano Playing 3
Course code KHK/HKB3
Organizational form of instruction Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Gvozdevskaia Galina, Kandid.pedagogických věd
Course content
Acquiring the technical basics of playing the instrument, playing recital pieces, improvising simple accompaniments to folk and art songs, chamber music, playing from the page. Improvement of instrumental technique: scales, chords, large scale, technical exercises, etudes. Performance compositions: from the Renaissance to the present. Improvisation of simple stylized accompaniments to folk and art songs and their transpositions.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Students' portfolio, Skills demonstration, Individual study, Students' self-study, Practicum
  • Practical training (number of hours) - 13 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 39 hours per semester
Clarify concepts from HNK2 (from musical theory and development of piano techniques - scales, types of accompaniments, etc., concepts from the adopted repertoire). Read readily notewriting of songs and songs, including relevant terms from musical teachings.
To demonstrate piano technique at the level of HNN2 requirements (waltz, polka, decomposition and chords). Play any song from the previous HNK2 (prerequisite for playing song transpositions).
využívá moderní technologie k náslechu různých druhů stylového doprovodu písní a samostudiu skladeb i písní
learning outcomes
Read readable notes for new songs and songs.
Explain the new concepts of musical science and the norms of piano techniques.
Name the Doric scale and describe its rules.
Clarify the principles of prelude creation for new songs.
Choose a suitable repertoire for the final play with a view to its use in school practice.
Play another pensum of obligatory songs and songs, songs (and songs - advanced) of your choice, along with singing.
Play and sing songs with various types of accompaniment: waltz, polka, chord accompaniment, decomposition, new syncopic escort.
Play overtures to all songs and bring them with a nod of head to start singing.
To play and sing successfully on the final play before the committee and classmates (10 songs with transpositions and various types of accompaniment and one performance.
využívá moderní technologie k náslechu různých druhů doprovodu a samostudiu skladeb i písní
teaching methods
Self-study of literature
Individual study
Students' portfolio
Collaborative instruction
Multimedia supported teaching
Skills demonstration
Task-based study method
Skills demonstration
Collaborative instruction
Cooperative instruction
Multimedia supported teaching
Multimédia využívají studenti při samostudiu repertoáru písní i skladeb a hledání způsobu jejich doprovodu či interpretace.
assessment methods
Skills demonstration during practicum
Volit repertoár dle vlastního uvážení s ohledem na jeho využití ve školní praxi.
Skills demonstration during practicum
Závěrečná přehrávka vybraného repertoáru před třídou i komisí.
Group presentation at a seminar
Individual presentation at a seminar
Continuous assessment
Recommended literature
  • Já, písnička: zpěvník 6. Music distribuce. 2023.
  • notový materiál dle volby pedagoga. .
  • BEZDĚK, J. Úvod do harmonizace české lidové písně a do její jednoduché stylizace pro klavír a akordeon (určeno stud. 2. - 5. roč. učitelství pro 2. stupeň a střední školy). Plzeň : ZČU. 1995.
  • CZERNY, C. Sbírky etud (výběr op. 261, 849, 821, 299). .
  • JÁNSKÝ, P. Já písnička II. díl. 2. Most: MUSIC CHEB. 200.
  • JÁNSKÝ, P. Já, písnička: zpěvník pro žáky základních škol: pro 1.- 4. třídu.. Cheb: Music Cheb,, 1995. ISBN 80-859-2501-X.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester