Course: Heat & Mass Transfer

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Course title Heat & Mass Transfer
Course code KKE/HMTA
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Lesson + Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction English
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements unspecified
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Duda Daniel, Doc. RNDr. Ph.D.
  • Linhart Jiří, Prof. Ing. CSc.
Course content
Contents of the lectures: 1. Introduction: Thermal energy and its transfer, temperature, stress tensor in flowing fluid. Derivation and interpretation of state equations, Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. 2. Derivation and interpretation of energy equation with simplification to Fourier-Kirchhoff eq. Biot-Fourier law, thermal conductivity and its peculiarities in metals and insulators. 3. Centralization of partial differential equations for turbulent flows. Turbulent viscosity and turbulent thermal conductivity expressed in terms of velocity and temperature fluctuations. Uniqueness conditions that complement the differential equations: geometrical, physical, time and boundary of 5 kinds. 4. Prandtl´s theory of mixing length and enthalpy loss length. Relation of turbulent viscosity and turbulent thermal conductivity. Theory of similarity in heat transfer, similarity criterions and their determination, process of detecting a criterial equation. 5. Analytical solution of stationary heat conduction by using Biot-Fourier law or Fourier-Kirchhoff law in simple and composite bodies: planar and cylindrical wall with inside heat source or without it, determination of optimal cylindrical insulation. 6. Stationary heat conduction in prismatic bar fixed to the wall, in an axial and radial rib. Non-stationary heat conduction solved by Fourier´s method, moving point source of heat and the temperature development in its surrounding. 7. Discretization of Fourier-Kirchhoff equation for transient heat conduction by using two methods: meshing and thermal balances method. Properties of explicit, implicit and mixed numerical methods. Discretization of boundary conditions. Elimination of errors. 8. Thermal and velocity boundary layer, their integral equations utilising substitute boundary layers. Pohlhausen´s method for determination of velocity and temperature distribution in boundary layers, calculation of their thickness development. 9. Convection in a free fluid flow calculated on the basis of experimental results. Determination of needed similarity criterions by using dimensional analysis. Free convection in open and limited space calculated by using Micheiev´s criterial equations. 10. Forced convection in a developed or undeveloped fluid flow in pipes and channels. Determination of similarity criterions necessary for valid criterial equations. Convection in transverse flow around single tubes and tube bundles arranged in-line or in staggered layout. 11. Convection at liquid vaporization in a vessel and in tubes. Conditions for arising bubbles or film boiling in a vessel. Kruzilin´s criterial equations to determine heat transfer coef. at bubble boiling in a vessel. Crisis boiling in tubes and how to prevent it in steam boilers. 12. Convection at vapour condensation on horizontal tube bundles, vertical tubes and vertical walls. Two types of condensation: preferred film and dropwise. Conditions for rapid course of condensation in condensers. 13. Mass transfer in mixtures of gases caused by different component concentrations, Fick´s and Stefan´s law. Convection evoked by diffusion. Analogy between equations of thermal and diffusion boundary layers, between heat transfer and mass transfer. 14. Heat exchangers: regenerator, recuperator (counterflow, uniflow, crossflow, multiple crossflow, etc.), mixing, special (Ljungstroem exchanger, thermal tube, vortex tube) and their properties. Calculation of the mean logarithmic temperature difference of working media, overall coefficient of heat and transferred heat in the recuperative exchangers of various types. 15. Heat radiation: Planck law, Stefan-Boltzman, Kirchhoff and Lambert law, effective emissive power, heat exchange between parallel and generally located surfaces, view factor. Heat radiation of gases. The humid atmospheric air emissivity if CO2 is present.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Practicum
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 50 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 40 hours per semester
  • Preparation for comprehensive test (10-40) - 15 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 60 hours per semester
Before the start of the Heat and MassTransfer education the student is able: - to work with ordinary and partial differential equations, - to use at least one commercial computational code, preferably MATLAB. - to prepare and present individual calculation report.
Before the start of the Heat and Mass Transfer education the student is able: - to solve general types of ordinary differential equations of the 1st and 2nd order, - to calculate properties of simple flows: velocity profile, mass flow rate, pressure loss, forces acting on walls, etc., - to determine thermodynamic parameters of a reversible course in ideal gases and vapours, to use p-v, T-s, h-s diagram.
learning outcomes
After successful passing the HMT subject the student: - is acquainted with the structure of basic differential equations of flow and heat transfer including conditions of uniqueness, - knows how to solve simple cases of heat conduction analytically and more complicated numerically, - is acquainted with the theory of similarity and its practical use in convective heat transfer. - acquires complex knowledge of the solid bodies and gases radiation including methods of calculation.
After successful passing the HMT subject the student: - can calculate stationary or non-stationary temperature field analytically in a body of a simple shape or numerically in a complex body including heat fluxes, namely at 5 different boundary conditions; - determines heat transfer coefficient and amount of the lost thermal energy from a solid body to surrounding fluid by using integral equation of the velocity and temperature boundary layer; - can design a convenient heat exchanger for demanded parameters.
teaching methods
The students work out 2 computational reports in the form of research report about conduction and covection with individual topic.
assessment methods
- 6 tests in the course of semester; - oral examination with written preparation (combination exam)
Oral exam
2 computational reports for individual assignement
Seminar work
Oral exam
Recommended literature
  • Breeze, P. Combined Heat and Power. 2017. ISBN 0128129085.
  • Ghajar, A.J. Heat and Mass Transfer. New York, 2014. ISBN 9789814595278.
  • Naterer, G.F. Advanced Heat Transfer. 2018. ISBN 9781138579323.
  • Rathore, M.M. Engineering Heat Transfer. New Delhi, 2009. ISBN 0763777528.
  • Serth, R. Process Heat Transfer. 2014. ISBN 0123971950.
  • Welty, J.R., Wics, C.E., Wilson, R.E. Rorrer, G.L. Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer. New York, Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 2001. ISBN 0-471-38149-7.
  • Yadigarogh, G., Ziskind, G. Multiphase Flow Phenomena and Applications. 2018. ISBN 9789813227385.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester