Staněk Jiří, Doc. Ing. CSc.
Chval Zdeněk, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
The course focuses on the following areas: - material handling equipment (MHE) for manufacturing plants - design and computational analysis - elementary classification of handling machines and equipment; drive types and design; design of conveyers for bulk and piece materials Videos presenting the topics covered by the course are used to complement the lectures. Topics of lectures according to weeks: 1) Introduction (subject content, source literature, requirements on student); history of transport and material handling equipment (MHE). New trends in material handling. 2) Basic terms of transport and handling equipment and of transported materials; drives of handling equipment. 3) Handling equipment for bulk materials - elementary classification. Vibratory conveyors - classification, design solutions, drives, computing analysis. 4) Screw conveyors - classification, design solutions, computing analysis of screw conveyors. 5) Scraper conveyors, bucket elevators - classification, design solutions, computing analysis. 6) Handling equipment for bulk and piece material - elementary classification. Transport chutes - classification, design solutions, computing analysis. 7) Belt conveyors - classification, design solutions, drives, computing analysis. 8) Handling equipment for piece material - elementary classification. Roller conveyors - classification, design solutions, computing analysis of vibratory conveyors. 9) Chain conveyors - design solutions, computing analysis. Overhead conveyors - classification, design solutions, computing analysis. 10) Cranes - classification, design solutions, drives, computing analysis.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture with practical applications, Individual study
- Individual project (40)
- 40 hours per semester
- Contact hours
- 50 hours per semester
- Preparation for an examination (30-60)
- 40 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
Explain the basic principles of mechanics, strength of materials, rules of design of a machine parts when working on new design of a material handling machine or equipment. |
Explain various design solutions of basic constructional parts of machines and equipment |
Skills |
Acquire other professional skills based on practical experience independently and study of professional literature, including foreign literature. |
To use independently theoretical knowledge in the field of mechanics, strength of materials, rules of design of a machine parts when designing a new machine component. |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
Explain the pros and cons of the basic representatives of conveyors. |
Explain possible design solutions of individual variants of conveyors for handling a bulk material |
Explain the basic computational analysis of different types of conveyors |
Explain possible design solutions of individual variants of conveyors for handling a bulk and a solid piece material |
Explain possible design solutions of individual variants of conveyors for handling a solid piece material |
Skills |
To express problems concerning the design of conveyors for transport od a bulk and solid piece material |
To create kinematic diagrams of basic conveyors for transport of a bulk and solid piece material |
To design main component for conveyors using modern CAE software |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Individual study |
Interactive lecture |
Skills |
Practicum |
Competences |
Lecture with visual aids |
Practicum |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Combined exam |
Written exam |
Skills |
Project |
Written exam |
Competences |
Combined exam |
Project |
Written exam |
Recommended literature
Cvekl, Z., Dražan, F. Teoretické základy transportních zařízení. Praha, SNTL, 1976.
Gajdůšek, Škopán. Teorie dopravních a manipulačních zařízení, skripta. VUT Brno, 1988.
Gašparik, M., Gaff M. Manipulační a dopravní technika I.. Praha, ČZU, 2016. ISBN 978-80-213-2619-4.
Gašparik, M. Manipulační a dopravní technika II.. Praha : ČZU, 2017. ISBN 978-80-213-2760-3.
Hlavenka, B. Manipulace s materiálem : systémy a prostředky manipulace s materiálem. Brno : Cerm, 2008. ISBN 978-80-214-3607-7.
Janovský, L., Doležal, J. Výtahy a eskalátory. Praha: SNTL, 1980.
Jasaň, V., Košábek, J., Szuttor, N. Teoria dopravných a manipulačných zariadení. Bratislava, ALFA, 1989.
Jiří Staněk. Přednášky předmětu KMT v elektronické podobě. Plzeň, 2013.
Palko, A. Dopravníky a dopravní systémy. Vydavatelstvo Michala Vaška, Prešov, 2012. ISBN 978-80-7165-871-9.
PAVLISKA, Jiří, HRABOVSKÝ, Leopold. Dopravní a manipulační zařízení IV.. VŠB TU Ostrava, 2004. ISBN 80-248-0537-5.
POLÁK, Jaromír. Dopravní a manipulační zařízení II.. VŠB TU Ostrava, 2003. ISBN 80-248-0493-X.
POLÁK, Jaromír, PAVLISKA, Jiří, SLÍVA, Aleš. Dopravní a manipulační zařízení I.. VŠB TU Ostrava, 2001. ISBN 80-248-0043-8.
POLÁK, Jaromír, SLÍVA, Aleš. Dopravní a manipulační zařízení III.. VŠB TU Ostrava, 2010. ISBN 978-80-248-0963-2.
Remta, F., Kupka, L., Dražan, F. Jeřáby. Praha, SNTL, 1974.