Course: Engineering Design Fundamentals for Design

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Course title Engineering Design Fundamentals for Design
Course code KKS/PDZK
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 3
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory, Compulsory-optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Vaněk Václav, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
Task, function, object definition - norms in technical imaging - functional dimensioning, production and their relationship - common functional shapes of joined surfaces, properties, way of achieving them - technical tolerances - interchangeability - fixed and dismountable connections - joints, sliding and rotary movement elements. Choice of alternatives to proven solutions for a given function - shortcomings of these solutions when used. Analysis of assemblies of simpler units, drawing of simple production drawings, laboratory work - basics of working with CAD system. Weekly lecture contents - see Courseware.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Practicum
  • Contact hours - 39 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 40 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report) (1-10) - 5 hours per semester
use general secondary education knowledge
use and apply basic knowledge of secondary school mathematics, physics and geometry
to know basic technical information and to draw simple technical subjects
to use basic office software resources and to use their potential for technical calculations
to decide independently and responsibly on solving more complex problems
have a basic spatial imagination and know how to transfer these ideas into 2D space
learning outcomes
the basics of engineering projection and imaging
the basics of specifying dimensions of structural elements
basic knowledge of machine parts and their groups due to the description of parameters of their properties and design documentation
use and apply knowledge integrated design to solve problems during engineering design
ability to analyze simple mechanical construction group generalize findings and the results applied in the designing of complex technical products
ability to apply basic methods for designing - to set the required product features and create functional and organ structures
ability to create functional schemes of simple parts of technical systems, specify functional requirements and design functional elements
ability to use GPS when designing machine groups and machine parts
teaching methods
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Individual study
Students' portfolio
Multimedia supported teaching
Individual study
assessment methods
Continuous assessment
Group presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • Boháček, František. Základy strojnictví : vysokošk. učebnice pro skupinu stud. oborů strojírenství a ostatní kovodělná výroba. 1. vyd. Praha : SNTL, 1989. ISBN 80-03-00083-1.
  • Drastík, František. Přesnost strojních součástí podle mezinárodních norem : tolerování rozměrů a geometrických vlastností. Ostrava : Montanex, 1996. ISBN 80-85780-18-6.
  • Drastík, František. Příručka čtení výkresů ve strojírenství. 2017. ISBN 978-80-87963-32-6.
  • Drastík, František. Technické kreslení I. : pravidla tvorby výkresů ve strojírenství. 2. vyd. Ostrava : Montanex, 2005. ISBN 80-7225-195-3.
  • Drastík, František. Technické kreslení podle mezinárodních norem I. Ostrava : Montanex, 2005. ISBN 87-7225-195-3.
  • Fiala, Jaromír; Svoboda, Pavel; Šimonovský, Miroslav. Strojnické tabulky 2 : základní strojní prvky a součásti. Praha : SNTL, 1988.
  • Hubka, Vladimír. Konstrukční nauka : obecný model postupu při konstruování. Zürich : Heurista, 1995. ISBN 80-901135-0-8.
  • Kříž, Rudolf; Vávra, Pavel. Strojírenská příručka. Sv. 5. 1. vyd. Praha : Scientia, 1994. ISBN 80-85827-59-X.
  • Leinveber, Jan; Vávra, Pavel. Strojnické tabulky : pomocná učebnice pro školy technického zaměření. 1. vyd. Úvaly : Albra, 2003. ISBN 80-86490-74-2.
  • Pahl, Gerhard; Beitz, Wolfgang. Engineering design : a systematics approach. 2nd ed. London : Springer, 1996. ISBN 3-540-19917-9.
  • Parker,M. Engineering Drawing and Design. Ellenborough House: Stanley Thornes, UK, 1991.
  • Shigley, Joseph E.; Mischke, Charles R. Standard handbook of machine design. 2nd ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1996. ISBN 0-07-056958-4.
  • Šťastný, Jiří. Manuál technické dokumentace. 1. vyd. České Budějovice : Kopp, 1996. ISBN 80-85828-63-4.
  • Vaněk, Václav. Základy konstruování : učební podklady pro cvičení. 2. nezměn. vyd. Plzeň : Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014. ISBN 978-80-261-0383-7.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester