Course: History of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence

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Course title History of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
Course code KKY/HKUI
Organizational form of instruction Lecture
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course unspecified
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Železný Miloš, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. - 2. From mechanisation to automatisation: origins of mechanisation; devices and machines cotrolled by man; first experiments with automatisation. 3. The birth of cybernetics: N. Wiener - "Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine"; the beginning of the development of computer technology (Turing machine, von Neumann's architecture of a computer). 4. - 7. The advancement of automatisation of complex devices and processes: the development of cybernetics as a scientific field allowing for advanced automatisation; the importance of automatisation for science, technology and industry; the role of computers in automatisation. 8. - 11. Automatisation of tasks which can be performed (so far) only by humans: the birth of artificial intelligence (H. Simon, A. Newell, M. Minsky, W. McCulloch); the history of machine perception and undertsanding; the history and applications of knowledge systems; the development of human-machine communication; the advances in the research of artificial thought; computer as a universal tool in cybernetics. 12. - 13. The relation of cybernetics to other disciplines: the use of cybernetics in biology, psychology, economy, sociology, medicine; systems theory (L. Bertalanffy, R. Kalman, L. Zadeh) and information theory (C. Shannon).

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Lecture with visual aids
  • Contact hours - 26 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 26 hours per semester
explain basic connections of historical events and development of the level of knowledge
orient himself/herself in the history of the present society
analyze the contribution of a personal to the development of a society
use historical experiences for the assesment of state-of-the-srt knowledges
learning outcomes
clarify the relation between artificial intelligence and cybernetics
explain historical foundations of cybernetics and artificial intelligence
give important researchers in the domain of cybernetics, system theory, and artificial intelligence, including their contributions to these fieldds
explain the relation of cybernetics and artificial intelligence - between each other and to other scientific disciplines
summarize aplication possibilities of cybernetics and artificial intelligence
describe basic traits of the cybertnetic approach to problem solving
distinguish stages of the development of cybernetics
use cybernetic approach to task solving
teaching methods
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Individual study
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Individual study
Lecture with visual aids
Lecture supplemented with a discussion
Individual study
assessment methods
Seminar work
Seminar work
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Umělá inteligence.
  • Ashby, William Ross. Kybernetika. Praha : Orbis, 1961.
  • Havel, Ivan M. Otevřené oči a zvednuté obočí. Praha : Vesmír, 1998. ISBN 80-85977-12-5.
  • Havel, Ivan M. Zvednuté obočí a zjitřená mysl. Praha : Dokořán, 2005. ISBN 80-7363-030-3.
  • Kotek, Zdeněk, Vysoký, Petr, Zdráhal, Zdeněk. Kybernetika. 1. vyd. SNTL, Praha, 1990. ISBN 80-03-00584-1.
  • Mařík, V., Štěpánková, O., Katanský, J. a kolektiv. Umělá inteligence I.. Akademia, 2000. ISBN 80-200-0502-1.
  • Mařík, Vladimír a kol. Umělá inteligence (2). Academia, Praha, 1997.
  • Mařík, Vladimír a kol. Umělá inteligence (3). Academia, Praha, 2001.
  • Mařík, Vladimír a kol. Umělá inteligence (4). Academia, Praha, 2003.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester