Course: Steel Structures

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Course title Steel Structures
Course code KME/OC1
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 5
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kesl Petr, Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1st week: Process for the design of structures, designed lifetime, design situation, principles for design with regard to reliability, resistance of the structure, ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state, materials for steel structures, corrosion. Production of steel structures. 2nd week: Designing steel elements with regard to the standard ČSN EN 1993, classification of sections. Tension, compression, stability of the ideal beam, local stability, effective length. 3rd week: Definition for planar buckling, effective length for torsion, effective lengths for the different members, systems of members and frames. Second order theory, buckling resistance, bearing capacity of compressed members, articulated members. 4th week: Bending, bearing capacity during bending, bi-axial bending, stability in bending, economic design, deflection and oscillation of members, buckling of walls and local loads. 5th week: Combination of tension and bending, compression and bending, bending and torsion. 6th week: Joints, welded joints, screw joints, bolted joints, rivet joints, distribution of forces in the connection points. 7the week: Steel-concrete structures as defined by the standard ČSN EN 1994. Materials, interaction between the materials, bonding elements, principles for design. 8th week: Limit states for the design, beams, classification of sections, bearing capacity of the section, stability, shear connection, structural details. Centric compression, bending, compression and bending, serviceability limit state, metallic-concrete slabs. 9th week: Thin cold-rolled structures, material, production, reinforcing the material, local buckling, main types of sollicitation, tension, compression, bending, shear, combination of effects, joints, thin elements. 10th week: Corrosion of steel structures, production of steel structures, documents of the supplier. Typical steel structures ? halls and their design. 11th week: Calculation of fire resistance of steel and steel-concrete structures, mechanical loads during fire, principles for design. 12th week: Transmission of heat in the structure, analysis of elements and joints. 13th week: Single cases for steel elements during fire ? beam, beam with loss of stability, column of a tall building, connection between the beam and the column.

Learning activities and teaching methods
Lecture, Practicum
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 35 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 65 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 40 hours per semester
characterize the mechanics of continua
characterize and get acquainted with the technical science of elasticity and strength
characterize with the mathematical theory of elasticity
get acquainted with the stability of bars
get acquainted with the theory of plasticity
characterize and get acquainted with the theory of failure
classify and solve complex cases of elasticity and strength
classify and solve variational methods
classify and solve the nonlinear theory of elasticity
classify and solve the state of plasticity under general stresses
classify and address safety assessments according to internal force limits
learning outcomes
describe forming, heat treatment and properties of steels
describe production methods, metallurgical materials and assortment of rolled products
explain methods for solving welded, screw and riveted joints
state the procedures of drawn, pressed and bent structural elements, combined stress
describe the fatigue process and design principles with respect to the fatigue of the elements
state the principles of designing thin-walled structures
systematize the tolerances of the rolled material
to solve combinations of stresses acting on frame structures
apply elastic and plastic torsion theory to steel structural elements
determine experimentally the residual life of structures
to solve the tasks of the economy of corrosion protection
teaching methods
assessment methods
Oral exam
Seminar work
Written exam
Oral exam
Seminar work
Oral exam
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • ČSN EN 1990 - Základy navrhování.
  • ČSN EN 1991 - Zatížení stavebních konstrukcí.
  • ČSN EN 1993 - Navrhování ocelových konstrukcí.
  • ČSN EN 1994 - Navrhování ocelo -.betonových konstrukcí.
  • Koukal J. a kol. Svařování ocelových konstrukcí. Česká asociace ocelových konstrukcí, 2010. ISBN 978-80-904535-4-8.
  • Pilgr. Kovové konstrukce, Navrhování prvků ocelových konstrukcí. CERN, 2019. ISBN 978-80-7623-0187.
  • Studnička J. Ocelové a ocelo-betonové konstrukce. ČKAIT TK9 Praha, 2000.
  • Wald Fr. a kolektiv. Výpočet požární odolnosti stavebních konstrukcí. ČVUT Praha, 2005.
  • Wald Fr., Macháček J. a kol. Základy navrhování ocelových konstrukcí podle ČSN EN1993-1-1 a ČSN EN 1993-1- 8. ČAOK, 2010. ISBN 978-80-904535-0-0.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester