Course: Creation of Building Indoor Environment

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Course title Creation of Building Indoor Environment
Course code KME/TVPB
Organizational form of instruction Lecture + Tutorial
Level of course Master
Year of study not specified
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 6
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Kubina Libor, Ing. CSc.
  • Bošová Daniela, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
  • Vochoc Luděk, Ing. Ph.D.
  • Prokopová Lenka, Doc. Ing. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The indoor environment parameters of buildings according to their purpose and needs of their users. Dynamics of development of internal environment parametres. The subjective feeling of human well-being. 2. Structure of energy needs of buildings to achieve the required quality of indoor environment. Thermal technical assessment of the building. Energy audit. Energy performance certificate. 3. Solar gains of building interiors. Sunlighting study of interior. Technical measures against interior overheating. 4. Humidity of indoor environment, specific types of buildings (swimming pools, wellness, hospitals). Maintaining and eliminating increased indoor air humidity. Technical solutions. Hygrothermal studies of the interior. 5. The importance of daylighting the interior of buildings, the types of buildings with specific demands (kindergartens, hospitals, visually demanding activities). Interior daylighting study. The issue of shielding devices and curtains. 6. Acoustic load of indoor environment, impact of noise in buildings on well-being, performance and health of users. Interior acoustic study. 7. Indoor environment parameters of buildings with increased risk of fire or explosion. Fire safety solutions of buildings of a specific purpose and its influence on the creation of indoor environment. 8. Influence of developed fire on the interior of the buildings. Restoration and creation of indoor environment affected by fire. Study of interior contamination by combustion products and extinguishing agents. 9. Local solid fuel heaters and other sources of oders in buildings. Principles of ventilation systems design in dependence on oders load of internal environment. 10. Conflict resolution in conflicting requirements on quality assurance for the indoor environment. Sick buildings syndrome, its consequences and prevention. 11. Active and passive shielding systems vs. air conditioning and daylighting - analysis, design and operation. 12. Building heating and indoor air humidity vs. natural and forced ventilation with heat recovery - analysis, design and operation. 13. Artificial interior lighting of various types of buildings, electrical appliances and sources in or around buildings. acoustic comfort and electrosmog. Protecting buildings against electromagnetic pollution - analysis, design and operation.

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Contact hours - 78 hours per semester
  • Graduate study programme term essay (40-50) - 50 hours per semester
  • Preparation for an examination (30-60) - 60 hours per semester
to explain the principles of thermal protection of buildings
to explain the principles of building acoustics
to explain the principles of daylighting and sunlighting the interior of buildings
to be familiar with technical equipment of buildings
to characterize the thermal-technical parameters of the building
to characterize the risks of acoustic comfort in the interior of a building
to assess the daylighting and the sun exposure requirements
to design the concept of building technical equipment
learning outcomes
to describe the complex requirements of the building's indoor environment
to recognize possible conflicting requirements of individual parameters affecting the indoor environment quality
to explain the relationship between the purpose of the building, used technical and technological solutions and the quality of the building's indoor environment
to analyze the complex context in creating of a quality indoor environment
to integrate the complex building thermal protection requirements in HVAC systems design
to integrate the building's technical equipment concept and the building design concept with respect to building use requirements
teaching methods
Self-study of literature
Self-study of literature
Self-study of literature
assessment methods
Combined exam
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Combined exam
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Combined exam
Seminar work
Skills demonstration during practicum
Recommended literature
  • ČSN EN ISO 10077-1 Tepelné chování oken, dveří a okenic - Výpočet součinitele prostupu tepla - Část 1: Obecně; Část 2: Výpočtová metoda pro rámy. 2018..
  • ČSN EN ISO 10211 Tepelné mosty ve stavebních konstrukcích - Tepelné toky a povrchové teploty - Podrobné výpočty. 2018..
  • ČSN EN ISO 13370 Tepelné chování budov - Přenos tepla zeminou - Výpočtové metody. 2018..
  • ČSN EN ISO 13788 Tepelně-vlhkostní chování stavebních dílců a stavebních prvků - Vnitřní povrchová teplota pro vyloučení kritické povrchové vlhkosti a kondenzace uvnitř konstrukce - Výpočtové metody. 2013..
  • ČSN EN ISO 13789 Tepelné chování budov - Měrné tepelné toky prostupem tepla a větráním - Výpočtová metoda. 2018..
  • ČSN EN ISO 140 - Akustika - Měření zvukové izolace stavebních konstrukcí a v budovách.
  • ČSN EN ISO 14683 Tepelné mosty ve stavebních konstrukcích - Lineární činitel prostupu tepla - Zjednodušené metody a orientační hodnoty. 2018..
  • ČSN EN ISO 6946 Stavební prvky a stavební konstrukce - Tepelný odpor a součinitel prostupu tepla - Výpočtová metoda. 2018..
  • ČSN EN ISO 717 - Akustika - Hodnocení zvukové izolace stavebních konstrukcí a v budovách.
  • ČSN EN ISO 9612 - Akustika - Určení expozice hluku na pracovišti - Technická metoda.
  • ČSN EN 730540-1 Tepelná ochrana budov - Část 1: Terminologie. 2005..
  • ČSN ISO 1996 - Akustika. Popis, měření a hodnocení hluku prostředí.
  • ČSN 73 0540-2 Tepelná ochrana budov - Část 2: Požadavky. 2012..
  • ČSN 73 0540-3 Tepelná ochrana budov - Část 3: Návrhové hodnoty veličin. 2005..
  • ČSN 73 0540-4 Tepelná ochrana budov - Část 4: Výpočtové metody. 2005..
  • ČSN 730532 - Akustika - Ochrana proti hluku v budovách.
  • ČSN 730580 - 1 Denní osvětlení budov. Část1:Základní požadavky. 2007.
  • ČSN 730580 - 2 Denní osvětlení budov. Část2:Denní osvětlení obytných budov.
  • ČSN 730580 - 3 Denní osvětlení budov. Část3:Denní osvětlení škol.
  • ČSN 730580 - 4 Denní osvětlení budov. Část4:Denní osvětlení průmyslových budov.
  • ČSN 730581 Oslunení budov a venkovních prostor - Metoda stanovení hodnot..
  • ČSN 730802 Požární bezpečnost staveb - Nevýrobní objekty.
  • ČSN 730804 Požární bezpečnost staveb - Výrobní objekty.
  • ČSN 730833 Požární bezpečnost staveb - Obsazení objektu osobami.
  • ČSN 734301 Obytné budovy.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester