Course: Customer-oriented Management of Organizations

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Course title Customer-oriented Management of Organizations
Course code KMO/KOU
Organizational form of instruction Lesson
Level of course Bachelor
Year of study 3
Semester Summer
Number of ECTS credits 4
Language of instruction German
Status of course Optional
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Hommerová Dita, Doc. Ing. Ph.D., MBA
Course content
Customer care approach. Differences in customer services provided over the telephone, on the Internet and face-to-face. Customer service tools. Assessing customer service. Complaint management. Case studies of customer-oriented companies. Additional information for students can be found in COURSEWARE.

Learning activities and teaching methods
E-learning, Multimedia supported teaching, Students' portfolio, Group discussion, Individual study, Students' self-study, Self-study of literature, Practicum
  • unspecified - 8 hours per semester
  • Presentation preparation (report in a foreign language) (10-15) - 30 hours per semester
  • Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40) - 40 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 26 hours per semester
to have German communication skills at intermediate level (language of instruction is German)
to know basics of marketing
learning outcomes
to compare the customer and product orientation of a company
to understand and explain the role of customer care in terms of customer value
to apply methods used in complaint management
to elaborate an assessment of customer care
to present (defend) results of the assigned case study
to discuss possible solutions with the tutor in the German language
teaching methods
Group discussion
Self-study of literature
Students' portfolio
Students' portfolio
Group discussion
Self-study of literature
assessment methods
Seminar work
Individual presentation at a seminar
Skills demonstration during practicum
Group presentation at a seminar
Skills demonstration during practicum
Group presentation at a seminar
Individual presentation at a seminar
Seminar work
Recommended literature
  • Hinterhuber, H., Matzler, K. Kundenorientierte Unternehmensfuhrung. Wiesbaden, 2006. ISBN 978-3-8349-0227-6.
  • Hippner, Hajo; Wilde, Klaus D. Grundlagen des CRM : Konzepte und Gestaltung. 2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. Wiesbaden : Gabler, 2006. ISBN 3-409-22518-8.
  • Kotler, Philip. Marketing management : Analýza, plánování, využití, kontrola. 1. vydání. Praha : Grada, 1998. ISBN 80-7169-600-5.
  • Storbacka, Kaj; Lehtinen, Jarmo R. Řízení vztahů se zákazníky : customer relationship management. 1. vyd. Praha : Grada, 2002. ISBN 80-7169-813-X.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester
Faculty: Faculty of Economics Study plan (Version): Retail Management (2015) Category: Economy 3 Recommended year of study:3, Recommended semester: Summer