Course: Work with Literary Text in Lower Secondary School Teaching

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Course title Work with Literary Text in Lower Secondary School Teaching
Course code KNJ/PRLIQ
Organizational form of instruction Seminary
Level of course Master
Year of study 2
Semester Winter
Number of ECTS credits 2
Language of instruction Czech
Status of course Compulsory
Form of instruction Face-to-face
Work placements This is not an internship
Recommended optional programme components None
  • Chappuzeau Bernhard
  • Pfeiferová Dana, Doc. PaedDr. Ph.D.
  • Kowalska Alicja, PhD
Course content
Subject content: 1. Function of literature in teaching, seminar methodology, pattern presentation of literary text by the lecturer: F. Kafka: Kleine Fabel. 2. Literature for beginners: pictographs. Ch. Morgenstern: Fisches Nachtgesang, R. Döhl: Apfel. 3. Literature for beginners: pictographs. E. Gomringer: Schweigen, Timm Ulrichs: Ordnung 3. Pictogram as the basis of dramatization T. Ulrichs: Ordnung, R. Döhl: Worte 4. Work with concrete poetry: understanding text (retelling the story), Lückentext, dramatization: E. Jandl: Ottos Mops 5. Concrete poetry: practising grammar: B. Garbe: Lehrreich, error correction: E. Jandl: Lichtung 6. Pictographs as text outcomes: R. Döhl: 2 variation of text Worte: words that join or divide people 7. Concrete poetry and beginning of interpretation looking for the right title: F. Achleitner: (rot), T. Weinobst (ABC), R. Döhl (ping pong), E. Gomringer (baum) 8. Concrete poetry and beginning of interpretation text completion: J. Richert: Statistik, E. Jandl: Markierung einer Wende 9. Literary text and beginning of interpretation adding interpretation to the text: U. Timm: Erziehung, B. Brecht: Das Wiedersehen 10. Literary text as a start point for discussion: J. Richert: Statistik, B. Brecht: Das Wiedersehen 11. Beginnings of creative writing creating a pictograph : Motivation of children, examples, choice of the topic 12. Beginnings of creative writing creating a text in the concrete poetry style: Motivation of children, examples, choice of the topic 13. Seminar evaluation

Learning activities and teaching methods
  • Presentation preparation (report in a foreign language) (10-15) - 30 hours per semester
  • Contact hours - 26 hours per semester
  • Individual project (40) - 20 hours per semester
to have basic knowledge of literary science
language skills at the C1 level
to apply literary theory and history of German written literature
learning outcomes
to characterize the principles of didactic work with the literary text in the teaching of NJ at elementary school
to describe methodological procedures adequate to the language level and pupils' age at primary schools
to motivate to work with literature in German teaching at elementary school (development of language skills and creativity of pupils)
teaching methods
Task-based study method
Self-study of literature
Textual studies
Multimedia supported teaching
Skills demonstration
Students' portfolio
assessment methods
Individual presentation at a seminar
Skills demonstration during practicum
Group presentation at a seminar
Individual presentation at a seminar
Skills demonstration during practicum
Group presentation at a seminar
Recommended literature
  • BOK, V.; PFEIFEROVÁ, D.; ŠETINOVÁ, D. Deutschsprachige Literatur in Lesetexten.. Plzeň, 2012. ISBN 80-7238-031-1.
  • GOMRINGER, E. Konkrete Poesie. Stuttgart, 1992. ISBN 3-15-009350-3.
  • SCHWEIGER H.; NAGY, H. Wir Jandeln. Didaktische und wissenschaftliche Wege zu Ernst Jandl. Innsbruck, 2013. ISBN 978-3-7065-5126-7.
  • SURKAMP, C. Lexikon Fremdsprachendidaktik. Stuttgart, 2010. ISBN 978-3-476-02301-8.

Study plans that include the course
Faculty Study plan (Version) Category of Branch/Specialization Recommended year of study Recommended semester