Pfefferová Eva, Mgr.
Šípová Simona, Mgr. MBA
Course content
Lectures 1. Concept of palliative care - basic definition. 2. Hospice and its integration into the health care system, hospitals of the long-term patients. 3. Family in the context of palliative care. 4. Needs of the Dying. 5. Spiritual care. 6. Care focused on psychosocial needs of terminally ill. 7. Human reaction in individual stages of dying. 8. Pain management (type and form of pain). 9. Euthanasia. 10. Credit test. Exercises 1. Palliative care system in the Czech Republic - current status. 2. Identification of the palliatively relevant patient. 3. Legal and ethical issues of palliative care in the Czech Republic. 4. Possibilities of cooperation between the Health Care System and the palliative care system. 5. Palliative care versus intensive/urgent medicine. 6. Practical issues related to death. Funerals and rituals associated with death. 7. Accompanying the dying, grieving, saying goodbye. 8. Basics of crisis intervention - psychological first aid. 9. Specifics of communication in palliative care. 10. Symptomatic treatment of the palliative patient in pre-hospital care.
Learning activities and teaching methods
- Preparation for formative assessments (2-20)
- 3 hours per semester
- Undergraduate study programme term essay (20-40)
- 10 hours per semester
- Contact hours
- 20 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
to explain the possibilities of pharmacological affecting of pain |
to describe individual components of the nursing process |
Skills |
to analyze acquired information, create and process nursing diagnoses |
to plan nursing care |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
identifies the symptoms of the disease in palliative care |
explains the etiology of the disease |
plans and evaluates the effectiveness of nursing interventions |
is familiar with basic pharmacology applied in palliative care |
Skills |
is able to provide nursing care in the form of a nursing process for patients in palliative care |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Lecture |
Skills |
Lecture supplemented with a discussion |
Competences |
Lecture |
Lecture supplemented with a discussion |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Test |
Skills |
Test |
Competences |
Test |
Recommended literature
Mezinárodní smlouva č. 96/2001 Sb., Úmluva na ochranu lidských práv a důstojnosti lidské bytosti v souvislosti s aplikací biologie a medicíny (Úmluva o lidských právech a biomedicíně)..
ABERGER, Kate, WANG, David. Paliativní medicína pro nemocniční lékaře - Kazuistiky z každodenní praxe.. Praha: Cesta domů, 2023. ISBN 978-80-88455-00-4.
Haškovcová, Helena. Thanatologie : nauka o umírání a smrti. 2., přeprac. vyd. Praha : Galén, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7262-471-3.
KÜBLER-ROSS, Elisabeth. O smrti a umírání: co by se lidé měli naučit od umírajících. Přeložil Jiří KRÁLOVEC. Praha: Portál, 2015. ISBN 978-80-262-0911-9.
KUPKA, M. Psychologické aspekty paliativní péče.. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, 2011. ISBN 978-80-244-2931-1.
SLÁMA, Ondřej, KABELKA, Ladislav, et al. Paliativní medicína pro praxi. 3. vyd.. Praha : Galén, 2022. ISBN 978-80-749-2627-3.
STEINLAUF, Barbora. Právo a péče v závěru života.. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2022. ISBN 978-80-7598-714-3.