Clarifying the importance of study of Roman law for non-lawyers today. After a brief historical introduction will discuss the individual legal institutions classical Roman private law with regard to developments in the period of pre-classical and Justinian. Interpretation focuses on the core themes (sources of production and learning, subjects of rights, objects, rights, legal negotiations, the Roman legal process), and on the fundamental institutions of the Roman private law (debenture, inheritance, family). WINTER TERM Lectures: 1. Three types of Roman ownership: civilian, provincial, praetorian 2. The original ways of acquiring ownership rights: occupatio, accessio, specificatio, confusio, adiudicatio, litis aestimatio, adquisitio fructuum 3. Derivation of the means of acquiring property rights: in iure cessio, mancipatio, traditio, usucapio, praescriptio Longi temporis 4. Legal means of protection of property rights: rei vindicatio, actiones, interdicta 5. Consortium, condominium: development of the institute of ownership in Roman law 6. servitude: servitutes praediorum rusticorum and servitutes praediorum urbanorum; ususfructus; legal protection of servitude and usufruct 7. Emfyteusis and surface; rem warranty rights: pledge and mortgage; possessio and quasi-possessio 8. Bonds: definitions and different kinds of bonds; possibility of the creation, liquidation and transfer of bonds in RP 9. Contracts real, formal and consensual 10. Pactum, quasi-contracts 11. Delinquencies and quasi-delicts 12. Roman Law of Succession The seminars: 1. Property relations in the Roman marriage 2. Divorce; concubitus and contubernium 3. Patria potestas - its meaning and content acquisition 4. Persones sui iuris 5. Tutela and Cura 4th Father's power over slaves and those in causa mancipii 5. Persons sui iuris with reduced legal negotiations: tutela, cura
Bartošek, Milan. Encyklopedie římského práva. Praha : Academia, 1994. ISBN 80-200-0243-X.
Gaius. Učebnice práva ve čtyřech knihách. Plzeň : Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7380-054-3.
Kincl, Jaromír; Urfus, Valentin. Římské právo. 1. vydání. Praha : Panorama, 1990. ISBN 80-7038-134-5.