Soukupová Pavla, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
The content of the subject is to equip students with the basic dispositions to reflect and evaluate the quality of teaching and to establish their skills to professionally and effectively connect theory with practice. Sub-goals are focused on building students' abilities to analyze the educational process, to evaluate its beneficial and weak sides and to use the knowledge gained to improve the quality of teaching. The concept of the subject is based on the use of Schön's concept of reflective practice, and in the methodological area it is based mainly on Korthagen's concept of reflective practice and the 3A methodology based on the conceptual analysis of the curriculum. Content focus of lectures and follow-up seminars: 1. Basic models, teaching concepts, basic categories of the teaching process. Teaching and principles of the so-called content approach. Didactic quadrilateral teacher - subject matter - pupil-creator - pupil-partner (constructivist model). 2. Goals and contents of education and their transformation - content of education, curriculum modeling, didactic transformation of content, educational goals, their functions, meaning and formulation. 3. Organization and management of the class, organizational forms of teaching, teaching methods and their classification criteria. 13. Didactic means and conditions under which the teaching process takes place. 4. Pupil assessment, diagnosis and feedback to the development of competences, analysis and reflection of teaching and development of its quality. 5. The teacher's disposition to reflect on teaching and to develop it; mental image of teaching, preliminary and subsequently structured reflection of teaching. Teaching quality vs. formalism in teaching: alienated and hidden cognition. 6. Methodology 3A in reflection, evaluation or research of teaching and its quality: annotation, analysis, alteration. Alteration as a reflective starting point for professional development. 7. Conceptual analysis of teaching situations and learning tasks. Functions and relationships of core content and core curriculum in concept analysis. Student pre-concept of content. 8. The role of active experimentation with content and the function of reflective dialogue between pupils associated with socio-cognitive challenges ("conflicts") in the cognitive activation of pupils in teaching. 9. Model of deep learning structure (MHS). Assessing the quality of teaching situations with support in conceptual analysis and in MHS with regard to the relationship between content, student activity, target requirements and requirements for assessment in teaching. 10. Pedagogical work and its situational structure, which conditions the quality of teaching; core content, student activity. 11. The actions of the teacher in the lesson in relation to the reflection of the lesson; primary intuition, secondary intuition. The problem of pedagogical work failing. 12. Quality of teaching vs. formalism in teaching: alienated and hidden cognition.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Interactive lecture, Lecture supplemented with a discussion, Lecture with a video analysis, Task-based study method, Seminar classes, Lecture, Lecture with visual aids
- Practical training (number of hours)
- 140 hours per semester
- Individual project (40)
- 16 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
popsat základní pedagogické zásady pro výuku |
- to know basic concepts for description of the instruction - to operationalise basic concepts for describing the instruction - to know basic concepts for evaluating quality of the instruction - to illustrate the content of basic concepts on appropriate examples |
vysvětlit pedagogicko-psychologické metody přípravy výuky |
Skills |
projevit zájem o práci pedagoga |
- to demonstrate a didactic sensitivity for description and analysis of the instruction (basic arsenal of conceptual tools for analysis and its empirically suited application) - to recognize and to evaluate the situations that are key to the quality of teaching (to apply basic predispositions for professional vision) - to propose and critically evaluate improvement alterations for the assessed learning situation |
využívat textové prameny i moderní technologie, zejména informační databáze |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
- To demonstrate knowledge of the required terminology, logical explanations of concepts within the cognitive contexts of the profession. - To understand of the relationship between the creative aspect of teaching and its curriculum-based agenda of educational programmes (RVP, ŠVP). - To considerate of the relationship between the content of the implemented teaching task and the content of the relevant part of RVP; illustration of this relationship with an adequate example and explanation of its essence. - To analyse of the prepared model of classroom work and extension of the model on the basis of its assessment results with corresponding interpretative and evaluating activities. |
charakterizovat podmínky učení, využití metod, forem a prostředků pro efektivní výuku |
formulovat možné příčiny neúspěchu při realizaci cílů výuky |
Skills |
provést vhodný výběr učiva ve vytyčených tématech |
- To use of professional terminology (terms, or criteria of the subject, pedagogy, didactics) in analyses, interpretations and assessment of the teaching process and classroom situations. - To use the documentation to support classroom situation analyses. - To use of teaching process analysis for the formulation of general judgements and their defence, discussion and critical analysis on the basis of peer review, use of reflective dialogue with the team for development of one's own professional knowledge and communication skills. - To presentate, justificate and to defence of improving alterations in a reflective group dialogue and discussion of potential variants with regard to more generally applicable criteria. - To demonstrate ability to assess, with the support of theory and curriculum materials (RVP, evaluation standards), the purpose and objectives of classroom situations, to analyse the related tasks with regard to evaluation standards |
uplatnit vlastní didakticky přesvědčivou metodiku ve vyučování |
argumentovat uplatnění použitých zásad ve vlastním plánu výuky |
zhodnotit dovednosti studentů a poskytnout zpětnou vazbu |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Lecture with visual aids |
Lecture with a video analysis |
Lecture supplemented with a discussion |
Interactive lecture |
Task-based study method |
Skills |
Seminar |
Internship |
Students' portfolio |
Competences |
Cooperative instruction |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Seminar work |
Continuous assessment |
Kolokvium |
Skills |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Seminar work |
Kolokvium |
Competences |
Portfolio |
Recommended literature
Čábalová, Dagmar. Pedagogika. Vyd. 1. Praha : Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-2993-0.
Janík, Tomáš; Slavík, Jan,; Mužík, Vladislav,; Trna, Josef,; Janko, Tomáš,; Lokajíčková, Veronika; Lukavský, Jindřich,; Minaříková, Eva,; Sliacky, Jiří,; Šalamounová, Zuzana,; Šebestová, Simona; Vondrová, Naďa,; Zlatníček, Pavel. Kvalita (ve) vzdělávání: obsahově zaměřený přístup ke zkoumání a zlepšování výuky. 1. vydání. 2016. ISBN 978-80-210-6349-5.
Korthagen, F. A. J. Jak spojit praxi s teorií: didaktika realistického vzdělávání učitelů.. Brno, 2011. ISBN 978 -80 -7315 -22.
Skalková, J. Obecná didaktika. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-1821-7.
Skalková, Jarmila. Obecná didaktika : vyučovací proces, učivo a jeho výběr, metody, organizační formy vyučování. Praha : Grada, 2007. ISBN 978-80-247-1821-7.
Slavík, J., Janík, T., Najvar, P., Knecht, P. Transdisciplinární didaktika. O učitelském sdílení znalostí a zvyšování kvality výuky napříč obory.. Brno, 2017. ISBN 978-80-210-8568-8.
VALIŠOVÁ, A., KASÍKOVÁ, H. (eds.). Pedagogika pro učiele. Praha: Grada, 2011. ISBN 978-80-247-3357-9.
Vališová, Alena. Obecná didaktika. Praha : Grada, 2021. ISBN 978-80-271-3249-2.