Klimtová Václava, Mgr.
Svoboda Michal, PhDr. Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
1. The importance of primary prevention of risky behavior. Forms of primary prevention. Decree on the provision of counseling services in schools and school counseling facilities. Other legislative documents. 2. Qualification requirements for the primary prevention methodologist. Personality of the primary preventive. Adiktologie - charakteristika oboru. Code of Ethics. 3. Primary prevention levels by age (child, adult) and level of education (MŠ, ZŠ, SŠ, VŠ, etc.). Age Specifics in Providing Primary Prevention. Primary prevention for pupils with specific educational needs. Crisis intervention in primary prevention - possibilities and limits. 4. Possibilities of implementation of primary prevention into school conditions. Characteristics of each form of implementation. Primary prevention system. Institutions providing primary prevention - assessing their quality. Preventive program in schools. 5. Didactic model of primary prevention programs. Educational strategies: methods and organizational forms. Specific tools: case studies, films, excursions, exuser. Evaluation of Preventive Programs. 6. Drug Addiction: Tobacco - Didactic Analysis of the Prevention Methodology. Access to pupils using tobacco. Possible Solution. 7. Drug addiction: alcoholism - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. Access to pupils using alcohol. Possible Solution. Programs: Respect 18, and their use in primary prevention. 8. Drug addiction: marijuana - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. Access to THC users. Possible Solution. 9. Drug addictions: other groups of substance addictions - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. Prevention of experimental use. 10. Non-dependence: online dependence - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. Options to prevent online addictions in school conditions. 11. Bullying, aggression, xenophobia - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. Preventing bullying in schools. Forms and procedures for dealing with bullying. 12. Sexual risk behavior (promiscuity, premature and unwanted sexuality) - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. 13. Spectrum of food intake disorders (obesity, mental anorexia, bulimia) - didactic analysis of the prevention methodology. Possibilities of early intervention.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Collaborative instruction, Cooperative instruction, Lecture, Seminar
- Contact hours
- 24 hours per semester
- Graduate study programme term essay (40-50)
- 40 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
Defines risk behavior. |
It characterizes groups of risk behaviors. |
It describes individual forms of risk behavior. |
Skills |
Recognizes risky behavior. |
On a general level, it suggests the possibilities of primary prevention in the field of education. |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
Identify individual forms of primary prevention of risk behavior in education and education. |
Clarify the principles of primary prevention of risk behaviors. |
Describes a primary prevention plan by type of school. |
To characterize the didactic process of primary prevention in relation to unified topics of risk behavior. |
Define evaluation strategies for the assessment of primary prevention programs. |
Skills |
Build a primary prevention plan for the needs of the school. |
To create a didactic analysis of the primary prevention program on a specific topic of risk behavior. |
Evaluate primary prevention programs based on individual criteria. |
Assess your personal prerequisites for the work of the lecturer of primary prevention programs. |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Lecture |
Seminar |
Collaborative instruction |
Cooperative instruction |
Skills |
Lecture with visual aids |
Seminar |
Collaborative instruction |
Cooperative instruction |
Competences |
Lecture with visual aids |
Seminar |
Collaborative instruction |
Cooperative instruction |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Seminar work |
Skills |
Seminar work |
Competences |
Oral exam |
Seminar work |
Recommended literature
DVOŘÁK, D. Drogy a vaše dítě.
DVOŘÁK, D. Metodika vzdělávacích programů prevence drogových závislostí.
HAJNÝ, M., KOŘÍNEK, R., MAJER, M. Drogy a rodina.
HAJNÝ, M. O rodičích, dětech a drogách : drogy a jejich účinky, rizika zvyšující užívání drog, léčba, problémové situace. Praha : Grada, 2001. ISBN 80-247-0135-9.
NEŠPOR, K. Alkohol, drogy a vaše děti : Jak problémům předcházet, jak je včas rozpoznat, jak je zvládat. Praha : Sportpropag, 1992.
NEŠPOR, K. Jak pomoci dětem odmítat alkohol a drogy aneb Prevence v rodině.
NEŠPOR, K. Středoškoláci o drogách, alkoholu, kouření a lepších věcech. Praha : Portál, 1995. ISBN 80-7178-086-3.
NOVÁKOVÁ, D. Metodika drogové prevence pro MŠ a první stupeň ZŠ.