Artemov Andrej, Mgr. Ph.D.
Course content
The home reading takes place as a tutored e-learning course with continuous assignments, . There will be 3 contact colloquia at the same time: 1. Introductory meeting, explanation of the work in e-learning, using Google Classroom. The essence of the method of home reading and experiential reading. Dramatization and visualization of information when working with literary text. Motivation for reading. Establishment of a reader's diary, explanation of the essence of its management, determination of the basic literature needed for an overview of the literary process of the 19th century. 2. Discussion of the completed tasks. Reflection on own progress in knowledge of 19th century Russian literature and its analysis. Presentation of a selected excerpt from a primary art text, checking knowledge of vocabulary. 3. Presentation of a text of own choice, creating an assignment for classmates. Creative writing.
Learning activities and teaching methods
Self-study of literature, Textual studies
- Presentation preparation (report in a foreign language) (10-15)
- 15 hours per semester
- Individual project (40)
- 40 hours per semester
prerequisite |
Knowledge |
Not defined. |
Skills |
communicate in Russian at B1 level |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
learning outcomes |
Knowledge |
describe home reading as a method |
determine dominant trends and personalities in 19th-century Russian literature |
Skills |
present the content of a text |
find certain language resources in an original text |
describe the structure of a literary text |
translate selected passages into Czech |
place a text in a literary category |
interconnect biographical aspects in the creation of a work with the literary text |
search for additional information in online resources |
use a Russian-Czech and Czech-Russian translation dictionary |
characterize a literary character |
Competences |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
teaching methods |
Knowledge |
Textual studies |
Self-study of literature |
Skills |
Seminar |
Skills demonstration |
Textual studies |
Individual study |
Competences |
Textual studies |
Individual study |
assessment methods |
Knowledge |
Individual presentation at a seminar |
Continuous assessment |
Skills |
Individual presentation at a seminar |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Competences |
Skills demonstration during practicum |
Peer evaluation of students |
Self-evaluation |
Recommended literature
Jazyk kak material slovesnosti: XXIII naučnyje čtenija: 24 okťabrja 2020 g.. Moskva. Kazaň, Izdateľstvo Buk, 2020.
Texty jsou dostupné na internetu v různých vydáních, jejich seznam není závazný a po konzultaci se studenty mohou být nahrazeny jinými díly..
Bulgakov, M. Master i Margarita (2. kapitola).
Bunin, I. Gospodin iz San Franciska.
Denisov, V. D. Peterburgskij tekst Gogolja: k 210-j godovščine so dnja roždenija N. V. Gogolja.. Sankt-Peterburg, Nestor-Istorija, 2018.
Dohnal, J. (ed.). Zlomová období ruské kultury z pohledu literatury (Karamzin, Leskov, Merežkovskij, Babel).. Brno, Tribun EU, 2017.
Kusá, M. et al. Ruská literatúra 18.?21. storočia. Bratislava, Veda, 2013.
Markovič, V. M. Russkaja literatura Zolotogo veka: lekcii. Sankt-Peterburg, Rostok, 2019.
Palijevskij, P. V. Razvitije russkoj literatury XIX ? načala XX veka. Sankt-Peterburg, Rostok, 2016.
Pelevin, V. Nika.
Rejtblat, A. I. Klassika, skandal, Bulgarin..: staťji i materialy po sociologii i istorii russkoj literatury.. Moskva, Novoje literaturnoje obozrenije, 2020.
Russell, H. Stručný příběh románu: kapesní průvodce klíčovými žánry, romány, tématy a technikami.. Praha, Grada, 2021.
Solženicyn, A. Matrjonin dom.
Šlápal, M., Košťálová, H., Hausenblas, O. et al. Metodika rozvoje čtenářství a čtenářské gramotnosti. Krajské zař. pro další vzdělávání ped. pracovníků a inf. centrum, 2012.
Šukšin, V. Mikroskop.